My friends, God put it on my heart tonight to share the gospel with people in my neighborhood, so I jumped at it. My family may not have been thrilled about me going outside at 9pm and because of the coronavirus, but nothing was going to stop the gospel being shared tonight. So I did all could to get out of the house, and once I did I immediately saw an older lady and her grandson walking around the sidewalk, on the other side of the road. Coincidence? No. God placed them there on that path at this very moment for me to witness to them. I was God’s messenger to share the good news of Jesus Christ and the gospel message with heard. And with authority from the Almighty God did I preach and teach the importance of the cross and being cleansed through the shed blood of Jesus. How Jesus is God, as in John 1, but came down in the flesh, having lived a perfect life, but for one purpose and that was to die for our sins on the cross. You see, I told them that spotless lambs had to be sacrificed as an offering for sin for years until Jesus came, but He became the last lamb to be sacrificed, the Lamb of God. It was amazing sharing this and other amazing things, like trusting in God and setting our belief system on His and not our own. How His standards are higher than ours, and we will be able to comprehend this better if we read the Bible daily and pray often. After telling them this, I asked them if they had a Bible and the young man said he didn’t. So I told him I had a ton of Bibles in the trunk of my car and that I would run and get one for him. I thank God that my wife was by my car, ready to open it for me. He then received it with great joy. Even his whole face lit up. His grandmother was happy for him to receive it, and to be willing to read God’s Word.
It was later that I asked him if he would give his life to Jesus and start reading in the Bible with the book of John, and then go back reading the rest of the gospels with Matthew, and he said that he would. I told him that God is asking him to humble himself to Him, to pray, to seek His face, and to repent of his sins. Even any secret sins like pornography or sleeping around with girls. That if he would do this, then God would be with Him. I then told them that I have had my own encounter with Jesus, and even saw a woman be healed of stage 4 cancer, after praying with her this last summer. I said this since his grandmother was very sick. She was on oxygen, and was holding the oxygen tank in her hand. I then went on to ask her if I could pray with her, of which she said yes. So I prayed that God would hear her prayers and be with her in these trying times. That He would heal her body of all the sickness and disease, and restore her to full health. This I prayed in the name of Jesus. After praying, they both had to leave, but I gave them cards to my devotional site, so we could stay in contact. Now, there was another lady who had been hearing this conversation from afar off, who told me she was encouraged by what she heard. I was also able to give her a card as well and share more about Jesus and to encourage her to keep seeking God, and to be a light to her friends in these trying times. This night was amazing. Both that last lady I talked to and these two awesome individuals got the good news of Jesus Christ and His shed blood on the cross. Oh, it was amazing. And God was telling me to do this, so I jumped at it. Wow, God provides. He is so good. What is said by Jesus is so true. 1“Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” (John 4:35) God bless you!
Let us pray:
Oh Lord, thank You so much for tugging at my strings, in order for me to go outside tonight. I could have very well stayed inside and been comfortable there, but instead, You had something greater in store for me and others on the streets. There were people outside my door, even at 9pm at night, ready and willing to hear the gospel message of the cross, and You knew it. So I could not get out of the house any sooner than I did, but then see these people right outside my door, on the sidewalk across the street from me. Wow, God, it was like You knew they would be there and I was the only one that You could trust in to deliver this message of hope. Thank You so much for trusting in me God. I am so grateful that I was able to witness to them for so long and to share the gospel truths of the cross. That You are God, Jesus, and became flesh in order to die for our sins. That we can be saved if we would humble ourselves, seek Your face, pray, and repent of our sins. Surely, these people needed to hear this message and to know that Your standards are higher than our own. That in order to walk in Your holiness, Your blood needs to cleanse us of our sins first. That You are able to give us ears to hear and eyes to see what is true and most important in this life. Thank You so much for allowing me to be a light unto these people and another lady before the night ended. I love to declare the good news of Your kingdom. That You are coming soon, even as our bride who is adorned for us in heaven. I look to You, Jesus, in faith. May these people that I witnessed to be pierced with the power of the Holy Spirit. Even to be cut to the heart, in order to follow You completely, Jesus. They may have stumbled and been walking in darkness, but today is the day of salvation. Thank You, Lord, for this wonderful evening. I give You praise and honor. I love You, God. Amen.
Let us read the Bible:
Note: Any Numbered References, found above, are listed below.
Amen! Absolutely wonderful! God provides when we do what He tells us to do. He is a good good father and a faithful God. We do what He says and preach the word and He gives the increase. He saves people if only we go out and seek the lost. This is the truth. All that we have to do is open our mouths and be ready to answer everyone who asks of us about our faith in Jesus Christ. We should always be ready to preach the gospel. That’s true.