False Teachings on how to go to heaven:
- Many ways to heaven. One of the worst false teachings ever taught is that there are many ways to heaven. This teaching is of the devil and is leading more people to hell than anything else. These people teach that salvation comes not only through Christ, but also being a good person, through believing in Allah, Buddha, and other forms of religions. That we shouldn’t be evangelizing or sharing our beliefs with anyone, for God will save them even as they are in their current belief system.
- All people that have died can go to heaven. Another teaching like this that also ranks up there is that it doesn’t matter what you’ve done in this life, all people will have another chance to be saved after death. Even Mormons believe that all people when they die will have a second chance at being saved, no matter the life they chose to live in this life. Because they do baptisms for the dead, they say that as long as these people that have died accept that baptism in death, they will go to heaven.
- Belief in Christ saves, so no life change is needed. Many churches and pastors also believe that all they need to do is say they believe in Jesus and they are saved. It doesn’t matter that the person is still living willfully in their sinful state. God doesn’t care about this but their belief in Him alone, so they will go to heaven when they die. To put this into perspective, Calvinists believe in once saved always saved, so they can sin all they want to, while believing in Christ, and be saved and go to heaven when they die. Even repentance of sins is not something they teach on, for they call it works salvation.
There are three false scenarios above, many ways to heaven, all people that have died can go to heaven, and our belief alone in Christ saves us, so no life change is necessary. These teachings are so wrong. Only Satan would have people believe this way, so that they could instead go to hell when they die and not heaven. Do you see a problem with any of these belief systems? I hope so, since what I’ve mentioned is all made up in the minds of different people, that have been passed down from generations, and are unbiblical in nature. And in saying this, I play to backup these claims using the Bible alone as my reference. You may also have references in the Bible that speak out against such things, so if I do not cover those verses, please list them in the comments in this devotionals. The best thing we can do is backup our claims if we are going to deny any form of teaching. So as the Bible is my reference for all truth, this is exactly where I will go next, in order to blow these false teachings out of the water, while lifting up the truths of God’s Word. God’s Word leads us to Jesus, so abide in Him and read His Word, that you may not be led astray. Not any other books or belief systems will bring us to God outside the Bible. Any form of church teaching that is not founded on the Bible is a doctrine of men and should not be listened to or obeyed. Therefore, I will now give you many verses to read, which proves the Biblical points below…
True Teachings on how to go to heaven:
- Only one way to heaven and it is through Jesus. He is the straight gate that we can only go through to be saved. Believe in His Name, and you will have eternal life. Only He will lead us into His Father’s kingdom. None of you are good and need a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
- People that believe in Jesus and follow Him in this life will go to heaven. Except you repent of your sins, you will perish. So abide in Christ and start doing as he commands, then will you love Him and be His friend. After death comes the judgement, so allow His blood to cover you before it is too late. When people die, they will either be unjust or filthy because of their sins, but those who follow Jesus will be die in His righteousness and are made holy, as He is holy.
- Belief in Christ is also a life change, which leads to salvation. Only if you endure in Your faith in Jesus, will you be saved. You must be born again of the Holy Spirit, in order to enter the kingdom of God. We are called to repent and be baptized for the remission of sins. Therefore, God calls everyone to repent, for judgement awaits our souls. If you walk willfully in sin, then you will not inherit the kingdom of God. Therefore, you must be cleansed by the blood of Jesus to be found worthy. If you die in your sins or unrepent state, there is no more sacrifice for sins, but only fear come judgment day. You are a sinner, so confess your sins to God, that you may be forgiven.
Let us pray:
Oh Lord, it is my desire that people will understand Your will for their lives. That they will no longer believe in things that are contrary to Your will but accept only what You’ve taught us in the Bible. People can mess with what Your Word has said, but this does not mean that You approve of such things. Truly, tampering with the Bible is making a mockery of what You’ve said through the men of God over the centuries, by way of the Spirit. So I pray that people will come out of every false teaching. May they find Your truth and get on the straight and narrow path that leads to heaven. Then, will they be set free from every form of darkness in their life now, through Your mighty power. There is a prescribed way for us to live by, while in this life, and then go to heaven. This way of life comes through You, Jesus. Yes, Lord, we cannot go through any other person, but through You alone to be saved. Thank You for making this crystal clear for every person that reads the Bible. I also know that only in this life can we get right with You and be saved. There are no second chances, but only judgment that awaits us all. As You have spoken, my heart has been moved to repent and allow You to cleanse me from within. I no longer wish to grieve the Holy Spirit, but allow You to move in my life freely. Thank You for changing my life and for helping me understand that there is more to faith than just saying we believe. For belief in You is also how we seek You daily in prayer and follow You. All I know God is that if I was not obedient to what You’ve taught in scripture, that I would still be under the bondage of sin. But now You have given me new desires and a clean heart to serve You. And for this reason, I give You the glory and all the praise. I love You, Lord. Amen.
You’re understanding the ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED incorrectly.
If you have the HOLY SPIRIT within you, the HOLY SPIRIT will lead you into obedience.
A Christian cannot lose salvation. Most, if not all, of what the Bible says happens to us when we receive Christ would be invalidated if salvation could be lost.
Salvation is the gift of God, and God’s gifts are “irrevocable” (Romans 11:29)
A Christian cannot be un-newly created. The redeemed cannot be unpurchased. Eternal life cannot be temporary. God cannot renege on His Word. Scripture says that God cannot lie (Titus 1:2).
Eternal security is not a license to sin. Rather, it is the security of knowing that God’s love is guaranteed for those who trust in Christ. Knowing and understanding God’s tremendous gift of salvation accomplishes the opposite of giving a license to sin. How could anyone, knowing the price Jesus Christ paid for us, go on to live a life of sin (Romans 6:15-23)? How could anyone who understands God’s unconditional and guaranteed love for those who believe, take that love and throw it back in God’s face? Such a person is demonstrating not that eternal security has given him a license to sin, but rather that he or she has not truly experienced salvation through Jesus Christ. “No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him” (1 John 3:6).