Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, I know that you are my deliver. You are my Savior and my healer. When I am down, I can call upon Your Name and You comfort me. You see the anguish in my heart and bring peace to my soul. Even when I fall into sin, You never give up on me. You lift me up when I am in distress. It is Your hand that leads me from darkness and into Your light. I am unable to overcome temptation on my own right but through You, I am strong to resist. My faith is strengthened every day that I follow You. As I look to You, Lord, I am at peace. You give me hope. I know that I can live a life of faith because You are by my side. No matter the storms in life, You will help lead me safely home. Thank You for directing my paths. I love You. Amen./April 15, 2018/
Today’s Prayer (04/15/2018)
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