How thankful I am this day for all father’s. Thank You Lord for giving me the best dad I’d ever ask for. I am grateful to be raised by such loving parents. My father always made time for me. He always wanted to know what was going on in my life. He was the best listener. No matter where I was in life he still loved me. There was nothing I could do to him to walk away from me. He was there till the end. His counsel was wise and heartfelt. He always saw the best in me. I loved every minute I could spend with him. He was my best friend I could ever hope for. He taught me to love the Lord with all my heart. He always told me how important it was to follow Jesus and love our fellow men. He knew this life wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t end it well. To the day my dad died his love for God never wavered. He proclaimed his love for God till the end. What a great example he was to me. I will never forget his kindness. I will never forget his love. Thank You Lord for giving me such a wonderful dad to care for me. I could feel your love within him. Watch over him for me. It will be a blessed day to see You Lord in heaven. There is eternal rest and comfort in your Kingdom. I can’t wait to spend eternity with You and my family above.
Oh God, my Heavenly Father, hallowed be your Name. We honor You. All praise to Your Holy Name. You are greater than all men. How great Thou art. Hosanna to the highest. Let us rejoice for You are our King. You are worthy of all praise. Thank You for watching over me. You are more lovely than the stars above. You bring me much joy. Your love radiates within me. You keep me safe from harm. I cling to You for shelter and You are always there. Let your Name be praised not just on this day but forevermore. You are so good to us, Lord. You are always there for us. Nothing can match your majesty. I love your presence. When I speak to You, I can feel You all around me. I listen for your counsel. Your words have meaning in my life. Lead me and guide me. I can do all things by your hand. By your simple touch I am changed in an instant. Your Spirit moves my soul to do good. Your love for me is real. You surely are a good good Father. Thank You for your gift of salvation. It has given me freedom from sin. You are my deliverer in times of need. Nothing matches your love for me. You are my comforter. I can lean on You on all things. I am blessed to have a wonderful father on earth and in heaven. I love You.
James 1:16-18
16 Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren.
17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.
18 Of His own will He brought us forth by the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures.

Artist: Chris Tomlin
Album: Arriving (2004)
Song: How Great Is Our God
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