Evangelize: Arlington Drive Follow-Up

Our next home was Victor’s. Tonight we had Chase with us and he was excited to meet him. Upon knocking on the door, Victor came outside and was surprised to see us.

Follow Jesus And Sin Not

Jesus loves you. He paid the price for our sins on the cross that we might be forgiven. He gave us a chance to live again if we believe and follow Him.

Seek The Lord In Trials

Many people will come and say that God can’t help us. They are only deceiving us for God is our only hope. He is our refuge and our greatest source of help.

Come Unto Jesus

There is true joy only in the Lord. His love has no end. There is nothing He wouldn’t do for us. He paid the price for our sins that we might have forgiveness.

Bringing Church Home

I am just so grateful for this experience to bring church to Victor’s home. He surely needed God’s help in his life.

Evangelize: Arlington Drive

The second experience was life changing. Upon knocking on Victor’s door we were delighted to introduce ourselves to him.

Do Not Displease The Lord

The Lord spoke to my heart when I was caught up in my wicked ways. He was loving enough to take me in but also just in His dealings with me.

Delight In The Laws Of The Lord

This life is short. Be grateful for everyday that the Lord gives you breath. If you have delayed your repentance be grateful that God has not shortened your life, in order to be saved.

Break Free From Addictions

Now is the time to cast out all darkness. Your soul is in jeopardy of going to hell if you don’t put off the lusts of the flesh and come to Jesus.

Love God’s Commandments

My soul delights in the precepts of my God. His laws are my comfort and keep me safe. I feel so close to Him when I am walking in His ways.

Evangelize: Downtown Boise With Prayer

Next, I met a gentleman, named Don, that was sick of living a life alone from God. He had walked in sin long enough and wanted to make things right, once and for all.

Faith Built On The Bible

No matter the appearance of the church we go to, if their teachings are not Biblical than leave that faith.

Utah Mission Trip (05/07/17)

As the service got over, many people came to speak to us. They said, how grateful they were for us coming. They asked where we came from and we said Boise.

Utah Mission Trip (05/06/17)

As we walked back towards Temple Square we ended up seeing a lonely man at the entrance of the Temple Square. I could feel the Spirit telling us to talk with Him.

God Uses Us To Heal Others

Surely God can do miracles in our lives and the lives of others. I am an example of His healing power in my life.

Blessed Be Our God

You, Oh Lord have given me new life. I was dead and You breathed life into my soul. I was blinded by the things of the world but You gave me sight.

The Pathway To Heaven

It is amazing that God has given us a pathway to heaven. It may be narrow but the fruits of walking on God’s path is life eternal.

Confession Is Necessary

If you have recently done something wrong against a person you love then tell them what you’ve done immediately and request their forgiveness.

God Helps Us Forgive

I pray that you let Jesus cut down all your walls that you’ve built up over the years. That He will tear down the bridges you have made between you and your family.

The Holy Spirit Is Manifested

It is our faith that will determine where we are in our walk with Christ. If we pray often, then the Holy Spirit will be manifested in our lives.

Give Thanks

When God does good things in your lives, be grateful. Learn from the leper who was healed by Jesus when he, “fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks”.

Stop Lying And Come To Christ

Living a life for Christ is freedom. We don’t have guilt hanging over our heads any longer. When we sin Jesus pulls us through it.

In Trials, Call Upon The Lord

Ask the Lord into your hearts this day. Turn from your sins and follow Him. God will deliver you from your trials and forgive your sins, if you trust in Him.

No More Sorrow In Heaven

Before my dying breath, I hope and pray that Jesus will use me to deliver His words to as many people as possible. I want all the world to know that Jesus saves.

Praise The Lord For He Is Worthy

Speak of the goodness of God. Lift Him up among your friends and family. Proclaim His great Name. Let others know that the Lord God is supreme.