How To Make The Devil Leave

There is only one way that we can make the devil leave us. It is to stay in the light of Jesus. Then can we resist temptation.

The Armor Of God

There is only one way we can win the battle against temptation. It is through the armor of God in our lives.

Lukewarm Christians

Don’t be found with the lukewarm Christians. These people appear to be on God’s side but are filthy on the inside and unsaved.

The Mark Of The Beast: Part 1

The mark of the beast is coming around the corner. Be watchful and ready to resist getting the vaccine and later on the mark.

Jesus Rose From The Dead

Jesus is alive and working in the lives of millions of people today. His fire cannot be tamed, for the Holy Spirit is alive in us.

The Parable Of The Fig Tree

Take heed and be watchful for Jesus’s return. Therefore, be in constant prayer and supplication to the Lord, our God, who saves.

The Parable Of The Vineyard

God has been using people for centuries to do His work in His vineyard. The question is, are you allowing God to use you?

Four Types Of People

You are either saved and there are fruits to show for it, or else you are unsaved and no fruits from God can be seen in your life.

A House Divided In Marriage

Only Jesus can help there to be peace and love in your home. Without Him, there is often contention and unnecessary grief.

Jesus’s Ministry Began

Jesus asks that we repent and believe the gospel. That Jesus died for our sins on the cross and rose from the dead the third day.

Worship Jesus

Come and worship Jesus today. You may have been told not to, but the Bible says that He is worthy of our praise, honor, and worship.

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