Remember God And Obey His Laws

Many things we are attached to in life are idols and must be forsaken to be in His will. Look at the second commandment, for instance.

Jesus Is Risen

Jesus has risen from the dead. Many witnessed His resurrection. Come to know Him for yourself and you will find a peace that never ends.

Jesus And The Father Are One

Psalm 82 starts off by saying, “God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods.” Who are these people that are called gods?

Cast Out Your Idols

Anything that is put in place of God is an idol. if we keep serving the idol, the larger it will get, until it has taken us over.

Sing Songs Of Praise

Come and worship the God of the heavens. Come before Him and sing songs to His Name. For He is holy. Holy, holy is His Name. I shout praises to the Name of Jesus.

What Pornography Does To A Person

When people try to cover the wicked nature of pornography, they are truly becoming an enemy to God. As an enemy, they are, in fact, fighting against God’s will and holy nature.

Make Time For The Lord

Seek the Lord and His counsel. Follow His will because you love Him. He will be with you every step of the way.

Lift Up The Lord In Worship

I sing out in praise to the King of Glory. My voice cries out to the Lord in heaven. My Lord, my God. You have free access to my heart.

Doctrines Of Men

A person that builds up their faith on prayer and the Bible is secure in God’s kingdom. These people have a right to share the truth of God with others, for the Lord is with them.

Devout Or Lukewarm Christian

When the Lord takes us in, we are all given talents. Some few and some many. What have you done with God’s gifts in your life?

Come Back To The Lord

Nothing will give us eternal satisfaction but God. There is hope for any of you that have fallen away from God.

Give God Your Time And Walk With Him

As I talk to people on the streets, some have brought up examples of why God doesn’t exist. This is such a tragedy that people think this way.

The Love Of Christ

I am amazed at the great love of Jesus. This love has given me hope for a better day. He makes me feel loved and cherished.

Recommit To The Lord

Come to the Lord with a sincere heart in prayer. Unload everything that is on your mind. Cry out to Him for comfort.

Be Wise In the Lord And Do What He Says

The Bible makes it clear how we can know how to live and act for God. He teaches us to “take fast hold of instruction” and “let her not go” but keep it.

Examine Your Life

I gave Jesus my heart and He changed it from within. He took away all my guilt and filled it with love. Jesus saved my soul from Hell.

Sing Praises To Our God

The Lord is “mighty in power; His understanding is infinite”. We have no fear for He is on our side. He knows us all by name. We are precious in His sight.

Book Of Mormon: Examining 5 Things

The Book of Mormon (BOM) is said to be the most correct book on earth, according to Mormons. For that reason, let us put it to the test.

Accept Jesus As Lord

To accept Jesus into our hearts means to make Him the highest priority in our lives. We sacrifice our time to live a life for Him.