A New Life In Christ

The reason why it is possible for us to live a different life is because the Lord God is working through us.

The Life Of A Disciple

There are also two other things that a disciple of Christ ought to be doing daily. The third thing is prayer for others.

Damaging Effects Of Pornography

If you are addicted to pornography, then this message is for you. Please take a moment now and pray. Allow Jesus to cleanse you and change your wicked heart.

Choose Your Friends Wisely

If you love the Lord, then choose to hang out with the right people, which are brothers and sisters in the faith. In doing this, you can still be a good example to others, of course.

Why We Have Breath

From the foundation of this world, nobody was supposed to die in their sins. For us to pay the price of our own sins would mean that what Jesus did for us on the cross was not important.

Living For God Makes Us Different

God uses people in the faith that not only believe in Him, but also love Him with their whole hearts. This means that a person has sought out God, in order to know Him.

I Love Jesus

Lord, Your ways are amazing and I cannot stop learning from Your Words in the Bible. You have taught me so much over these last few years and my mind has been officially blown by what I have found and learned.

Mixing The World Into Church

Anybody who teaches their children about Santa Claus is not following Jesus. Those in Christ don’t teach lies to their kids.

Homosexuals Need Jesus

Only through Jesus can homosexuals understand that their actions are so vile and sinful in the sight of God and repent.

Pride Causes Drunkenness

Pride causes people to become very sinful before God. People who are drunkards are also among these wicked people. Repent!

Four Types Of People

You are either saved and there are fruits to show for it, or else you are unsaved and no fruits from God can be seen in your life.