The Gospel Of Jesus Christ

It is a blessing to share the gospel message of Jesus Christ. Jesus did die for our sins on the cross. We can receive forgiveness if we confess our sins and humble ourselves before Him.

Are Your Praises To God Or Man?

Make the Lord a priority in Your life, then will you do things that honors Him. Then will praises and thanksgiving come forth from Your lips to Jesus, our Lord, in prayer.

Trust In The Lord And Pray Often

Some of you may be praying for mercy and forgiveness. This is s a very good thing to do and praise be to God that you are giving your heart to Him now in prayer.

Follow Jesus And Not Prophets

Since Jesus is our mediator to the Father we can come to Him specifically in prayer, and no longer have to go through a man any longer for answers.

Do You Believe In The Gospel?

So let’s examine what the gospel is in the Bible, and if you are interested to know where it is defined, you can find these verses in 1 Corinthians, chapter 15.

Pornography Needs To Be Addressed

Pornography is adultery in God’s eyes. And because of this, He does not tolerate it either. This is why this vial sin is on the list of willful sins that will keep a person out of heaven when they die.

Grateful For The Cross

To think that Jesus felt all my shame and guilt, that wrecked my life for so many years, is so amazing. Nothing can match the goodness of our Redeemer.

Abortion Goes Against God And His Creation

Now, if you think that Jeremiah was on key when it comes to life, wait till you see what David said. As David prayed to God, his thoughts were set on his own creation.

Which Pathway Are You On?

The ways of God are made clear to those that desire to follow Him until the end. Knowing that many don’t, we know that such people that do are God’s elect.

Halloween Is Not Of God

The Lord is our light and our strength. If you desire to follow Him, then why not allow His light to expel the darkness in your life.

Making Time For God

You know what’s interesting? These people that don’t make time for God are also very wicked. Not only do they have idols in their lives, because of the things I’ve mentioned, but they willfully sin as well.

Faith That Is Fruitful For God

If you say you love Jesus, then obey Him also. Then will your faith be on full display and you will become a light unto the Lord in this darken world.


So the question is now, should believers have any reason to still covet? You may think not, but the answer here might surprise you, because we should. What? How can this be?

No More Sorrow In Heaven

Before my dying breath, I hope and pray that Jesus will use me to deliver His words to as many people as possible. I want all the world to know that Jesus saves.

When Marriage Is Hard

Counseling is an option when our marriage is on the rocks. This is especially true if your spouse is willing to go down this road. Re-courting our spouse also helps.