My Hope Is In Christ Alone

There is no one else that can do a work like Jesus can for our lives. He is our comforter when all seems lost. He overcomes the darkness and shines bright to guide us.

The Wicked Must Repent

The sinner that repents and trusts in Jesus are saved. They have no fear of judgement. Judgement is only fearful for the wicked that dies in their sins.

Passing Out Tracts At A Gay Pride Festival

Walking through the festival you could feel an eerie feeling inside. These people are truly in need of the Lord in their lives. They are so lost and don’t even realize it.

Dwell In God’s Holiness

The word of God says to not be backbiters. How can we attack another if we love God. Slandering another person’s character is against God’s nature.

Sons And Daughters Of God

How grateful I am to have such a loving Father. To be called the son of the Most High God means the world to me.

What Are You Excited About?

There is power in the Name of Jesus. Lives are being healed. Sickness is being cured daily. Sins are being forgiven. Stains are washed away.

Preaching God’s Word

Preaching God’s word has helped grow my faith. Talking with others in the faith helped my love for God mature even more so.

Hunger For The Lord

How blessed is the person who seeks after the Lord for they shall be filled. They shall be engulfed with the Holy Spirit.

Not Ashamed To Serve God

Our God is so merciful to save us. He does not delight in our wickedness and for this He desires to break every chain of addiction. To all that believe in Him are not ashamed.

Be Near To The Lord In Prayer

If your hearts are down and need help, then raise your voices and call out to the Lord. Speak freely what is on your mind. He beckons us to come to Him.

Let The Love Of God Lead Us

As Chris and I decided to go out in faith and share the love of Jesus, doors opened up to us very quickly. Each person we asked to pray over, accepted prayer.

Sexual Purity

As Christians, we ought to live apart from the wickedness of the world and in the Spirit of God. We can’t walk in sin and also walk with God.

Lower Your Pride And Pray

The Lord has heard my cries when I was down and depressed. I had known in my heart that I had left God. My life was full of sin and wickedness.

Fruits Of Sharing The Gospel

The next lady we talked to had just received a pizza delivery. Upon meeting her, we asked if we could pray for anything specific.