Moses Speaks To The Lord Face To Face
Moses did speak to God in person and as a friend. The same can be said for believers who are saved in heaven.
Moses did speak to God in person and as a friend. The same can be said for believers who are saved in heaven.
The truth is, God will and has the ability to blot out anyone’s names from the book of life at any time.
God told the Jews to keep the Sabbath day holy and we see this commandment still observed by the Saints of God.
It is God’s desire to fill each one of us with His wisdom and knowledge. Come to Him and You will know His will.
There is no purgatory and Catholics who tried to sell indulgences to free people from this place is false and very evil.
God sanctified the priests of the tabernacle for doing His will, as He also sanctifies us through the blood of Jesus.
Through the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus, we are made clean. His blood cleanses and forgives us of all our sins.
The twelve tribes of Israel are very important. That is why their birthstones were part of the linen aprons of the high priests.
God’s tabernacle may not be on earth but in heaven, however, this does not mean that His laws are not important for our lives.
The veil in the temple was important until Jesus came and died for us. God has opened the doors to us all.
God’s tabernacle is currently in heaven. However, there was a time when it was necessary to be on earth for God’s people.
Jesus spoke of wars and rumors of wars. This is the time we are living in now. Come unto Him and He will give you peace.
Come unto the Lord in Your obedience to Him. Dine with Him today. Allow His blood to cover You and all Your sins.
Jesus is called an angel of the Lord in the Old Covenant. The same God who spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai in a burning bush.
To honor and visit widows is God’s directive towards us as Christians. Causing any harm upon them is evil.
Abortion is evil in God’s sight. The Lord said this and there are punishments for people who do not repent.
Coveting people and things goes against God’s commandments. Doing this is as bad as any other sin in the Lord’s sight.
All liars shall have their part in the lake of fire. This does not have to be you. You can be set free in the name of Jesus.
Christians do not steal but give instead. Taking what is not ours is of the devil, but giving to others is of God.
Committing adultery and not repenting of it will land a person in hell. Only Jesus can forgive such a person.
God said to not kill, which also means to not be angry without a cause. Calling people worthless or fools is evil.
God spoke and we should listen up. Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land.
God has commanded His people to observe the Sabbath day. This law is extended to His believers in the new covenant also.
God has spoken. Do not take His Name in vain. If you have or do, repent and get right with the Lord while you still have time.
We are told by God in the second commandment to not make any graven image, nor bow down to these images.
There is only one true God in the heavens. Believing in and/or worshipping other gods is idolatry, which God hates.
Allow God to carry you on eagle’s wings. Hear and obey His voice and you will become a peculiar treasure in His eyes.
Bringing up God in our conversations with our family and friends should be the highest priority in our lives.
When we murmur against God, we are also tempting God, which is evil. Instead, pray for His help and assistance.
God asks all His people to rest on the Seventh-day. This is the day of the Sabbath, which is God’s law for us.