Strange Fire: Part 2

If we do things that are unholy unto God, just know that there are consequences to every one of these actions also.

Waging War With God At the Head

There are times when we need to step up and fight for our faith in God. This is of course when He calls us and we then respond in honor to our King.

Tithing: Old Covenant

In the old covenant people gave a certain percentage unto the Lord, whereas in the new covenant we give what God puts on our hearts.

Year-Long Sabbath Anyone?

There was a time when people observed a year-long sabbath, but those days are over. The seventh day is still ok to rest on, however.

False Versus True Gospel

It is important to know the truths of the gospel message in order to not believe in a false gospel unknowingly.

Never Let Your Light Go Dim

Willful sin tears us away from God and causes our light to go dim and then out completely. Only God can help this to not happen.

Divine Appointment With Damian

One thing that God does for us is change our hearts to conform to His will. This is when we learn to love others as He loves us.

Clean Or Unclean Before God?

Our choice in life is to live for God in His righteousness or live for the flesh in our uncleanness. Only through God is their mercy.

Playing The Whore

To be sexually active before marriage is called fornication. This is playing the whore in our promiscuity, which God hates.

Familiar Spirits In Mormonism

God has warned us against calling upon dead people. They are called mediums, and will have their part in the lake of fire if they don’t repent.

Righteous Judgments

Most people, including atheists, the LGBTQ, and others know about Matthew, chapter 7. They like to use verse 1 against Christian evangelists who are sharing the gospel message to the lost. They hate it when

The 2nd, 4th, and 5th Commandments

Every one of the ten commandments is important in the times we are living in. For this reason, I will be writing on a set of them each day until I am finished with Leviticus,

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