
So the question is now, should believers have any reason to still covet? You may think not, but the answer here might surprise you, because we should. What? How can this be?

Making Time For God

You know what’s interesting? These people that don’t make time for God are also very wicked. Not only do they have idols in their lives, because of the things I’ve mentioned, but they willfully sin as well.

Living For God Makes Us Different

God uses people in the faith that not only believe in Him, but also love Him with their whole hearts. This means that a person has sought out God, in order to know Him.

Pornography Needs To Be Addressed

Pornography is adultery in God’s eyes. And because of this, He does not tolerate it either. This is why this vial sin is on the list of willful sins that will keep a person out of heaven when they die.

Living For The Flesh Or God?

Earlier, I mentioned a portion of the story of the prodigal son. This is because we are all like him at one time in our lives.

Make Time For Jesus And Do His Will

Jesus taught us that our actions will get us in trouble, but so will our words. He said, “but I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

To Say, Love Me How I am

When speaking of sin, I am not talking about falling into sin on occasion, but willfully doing something daily that God doesn’t approve of.

Do What God Loves Not Hates

Now that you know what God hates and of which is an abomination to Him, it is important to respond to Him accordingly.

Obey God’s Call And Follow Him

If you read the Bible, then you know what God hates, and should wish to be released from these things. This could be an addiction to pornography, alcohol, drugs, or a lifestyle like sex outside of marriage.

Are You Saved?

To continue to live in willful sin is telling God that He doesn’t matter and is storing up His wrath for that wicked person’s life.


Does the Bible say anything about this suicide? Well, of course it does, my friends. If you were reading the Bible daily, you would get so much strength from God’s Word and be able to fight these feelings of despair and doubt.

Temptation Is Deadly

If you are wondering how pornographic temptations begins, it is simple. All Satan has to do is use an AD with an image and some perverse words in it and he has his victim hook and sinker.

Damaging Effects Of Pornography

If you are addicted to pornography, then this message is for you. Please take a moment now and pray. Allow Jesus to cleanse you and change your wicked heart.

God’s Wrath Is Upon the LGBTQ Community

There is so much corruption in the world we live in. This is because people’s defenses are down. Satan has taken a great hold of them and is leading them, one by one, on a path to destruction.

Direction From God

When the children of Israel were led safely out of Egypt, they were given strict commands from God, in order to stand apart from the wicked and be on His side.

Deliverance From The Enemy

The day that the Lord God came in and sent His last plague upon the Egyptian people, the people of Israel were able to experience true freedom.