Oh Lord, I am not shaken for You are by my side. My passion is fed on your love. I will lift You up high in worship for You are my God. My heart sings hallelujah to your Name. With boldness, I will share your love to the world. You burn within my soul. I love your presence. There is nothing that compares to your love.
Oh Lord, wherever you lead me I will go. Whatever I can do for you I will do it. If you ask that I share your message with someone I will run to them. There will be no restraints. I will press on to do your will. With you by my side I can do all things. No matter the cost I will follow You. I will never stop loving You. I run to You for You are everything to me.
Oh Lord, Let our minds be focused on your will and not our own. Let us love one another more earnestly. Let us live to serve others. As we develop a relationship with You, speak to our hearts. We come to you for wisdom and counsel. We will listen when You speak. We love your presence. You are the fire that burns in our soul. We live to give You glory.
Oh Lord, I will seek You in all my ways. Let your will be done in my life. You have rescued me and given me a new life. You had mercy upon my soul. I have no need to fear for I am a child of God. I will follow You until the end of time. When my days are numbered I will run to You. I will praise You for all eternity, for You are my God. I love You Lord.
Oh Lord, we offer our life to You. Take our broken hearts and give us new life. We put aside our lusts and recommit to following You. Thank You for your mercy. You saw past our faults and gave us new hope. Thank You for your compassion towards us. We come to You with a heart wide open to accept You in our lives.
Oh Lord, I am nothing without You. You give me joy that never dies. I need your love in my life. There is no one like You. You satisfy my soul. I love everything about You. My life is filled with joy for You are with me. You are enough Lord. You are all I need.
I call upon your Name, Lord. You are so wonderful and mighty. I live to serve my King. I give my life to You. I praise your Holy Name. You overcame that I might live. I was in a fallen state and you gave me a new life. My hope is in You. Your love has no end. I am overwhelmed by your kindness towards me. You are always there for me. I will look to You in all things. My heart is yours. Until my dying breath I will follow You.
Oh Lord, I long for You. My heart burns for You. I am alive in You. I’ve been caught up in your beauty. I am carried away in your love. I love your presence. The moment I have with You is amazing. You are so wonderful. You make my heart beat stronger. You are everything to me. I am in love with You. What shall I sing for You? There are so many songs I want to sing. I will praise your Holy Name. If I dance it is because You move within me. You are a fire in my soul. Stay with me always. I need your Love in my life. There is no one like You. Whenever I speak You listen. You bring joy to my life. I will never thank You enough. You have overcome sin that I might live. I will do all things for You. I will go where ever You lead me. I will follow You. I will love You always.
Oh, how I love You Lord. My heart adores You. I sing praises to Your Holy Name. You saw me and gave me new life. I will stay true to my faith in You.
Oh Lord, I give my life to you. Given me clean hands. Have your way in me. I am yours and you are mine. Take my life for it is yours. I will listen to your voice and take heed to your counsel. I love You Jesus.
Oh Lord, I am desperate for your touch. I trust in You. I will walk in your ways. I know that through your love lives can change, just as You have changed mine. I have felt your mercy and grace. You rescued me from a life of sin. You found me and had compassion. I was in a state of despair and you gave me a new life. I have a new hope for the future. Your love burns in my soul. It consumes me each day that I live. Let this love take me deeper than ever before. Help me to love others more genuinely. I surrender all to You. I want more of You in my life. I will follow your commandments and keep them close to my heart.
My Lord, I am so thankful for your sacrifice on the cross. I can feel your love each day in prayer. I make mistakes but you lift me up and give me peace. You are always there when I need You.
Prayers: April 2016
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