“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
Don’t just say you believe in Jesus but be true to your word. Showcase that love in how you live your life for the Lord and others.
Jesus is our Lord, our God, our Redeemer, our Savior, our King, our Messiah, and more importantly, our everything.
Christians can lose their salvation. If you willfully sin after believing in Jesus, and then die, you are cut off from God’s grace.
It is better to know the truth of God then to be comfortable in a religion that does not save. Test your beliefs with the Bible.
If Jesus has changed your life and you are saved through His blood, make a joyful noise unto the Lord.
You don’t have to rush reading the Bible all the way through. Experience every chapter and every verse. Indulge in God’s Word.
You know the fruits of the Spirit are a part of your life when your lustful passions are tamed by God’s mighty hand.
Lift up the name of Jesus. Sing songs of praise to the Lord. Glorify Him alone. May all things be done for Him and through Him.
Jesus is the light of the world. He came into the world and only a few people came unto Him. It is now our time to submit to God.
We are living in a time where pestilence is upon the land with the coronavirus. Fear is everywhere, but those in Christ are not worried.
The gospel is that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and rose from the grave. This is vital to teach and understand.
I am not ashamed of Jesus Christ. For this reason, I will proclaim Him even through persecution. God gives me boldness.
We are so blessed to have Jesus take upon Himself our sins, while on the cross. His mercy is like nothing we have seen before.
Jesus spoke of wars and rumors of wars. This is the time we are living in now. Come unto Him and He will give you peace.
As Jesus has freely forgiven all my sins and shown me mercy, I am happy to forgive others and show them mercy. His love compels me.
Put aside your lustful thoughts. Having the next best thing is not important. Be content and allow the Lord to guide your life.
Believing in Jesus without doing His will is dead faith and these same people are counted with the unbelievers and the wicked.
To be married to a virtuous woman, is what all men that look to God look forward to. And then to find such a person is priceless.
Through Jesus and His words abiding in us, we become His living examples here on earth. Where we are kept from evil.
God remembers us in our trials and tribulations. Cry out to Him and your prayers will be answered in his timing.
Clap your hands, all ye people who believe in Jesus, as Lord. The terror of the Lord is real for those who fear Him.
Hold fast in your faith in Jesus Christ. Don’t be afraid to lift up His Name even when others may ridicule you.
I love Jesus with all my heart, mind, and soul. He is my Lord, and the rock my salvation. When I am weak, He lifts me up. I am so blessed!
There is no greater time to spend then to be in God’s Word and in prayer. This invokes the presence of God and it is amazing.
Jesus is the Lord God. There is salvation in His Name alone. There is no other way to heaven but through Him.
Seek what is pure and holy in the Lord. Then God will respond and send the Holy Spirit to direct your life.
The Bible is the only Word of God. God’s words are pure and holy. Do not let others lead you astray into believing differently.
As Christians, we are not selfish people, but selfless, in order to supply the needs of people, as God does for us.
Give all your burdens to the Lord in prayer, that they may be made light. He will hear your cries and help you in times of need.
We have been told by God explicitly that what He says He has cleansed concerning meat, it is just fine to eat and enjoy.