"For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit." (1 Peter 3:18)

Doubting Thomas Saw the Risen Lord
Jesus atoned for our sins while on the cross, was buried, and then rose from the grave. This saying is true and faithful ...

Through Jesus’s Death, Atonement Took Place
Jesus came into this world to save us from our sins. This act of love took place the moment He was raised up on the cross at Calvary ...

Good Friday
It is finished means that Jesus suffered for our sins and his work is finished. Through His death, the sins of the world have been paid ...

My God, My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?
Jesus atoned for our sins on the cross. Through His death, we receive the atonement for our sins. Payment in full ...

Jesus Rose And Appeared Unto His Disciples
The message of Easter is not about bunny rabbits, but about Jesus our Lord and His resurrection. This day is all about Jesus ...

Jesus Died, Was Buried, And Rose From The Grave
Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and then rose from the grave. This is vital to understand and know as a Christian ...

Jesus Paid The Price For Our Sins
Jesus is the Lamb of God who came to take away the sins of the world. He is this voluntarily for us on the cross ...

No More Burnt Offerings With Jesus
Burnt offerings were necessary in order to make atonement for the sins of the people up until Jesus came. He changed everything ...

Jesus’s Sacrifice Never Ends
Jesus's sacrifice for sin is once and for all. What you need to do is put your faith in Him. His forgiveness and mercy is for you ...

The Importance Of The Resurrection
Our faith means nothing if Jesus never rose from the grave. Thankfully, He defeated the grave and is alive and working today ...

The Preaching Of The Cross
As believers, the preaching of the cross is the power of God displayed on earth. Jesus paid the final penalty for our sins ...

Celebrating Palm Sunday
Today we celebrate Palm Sunday and remember the day that Jesus was praised by the Jewish people. All hail King Jesus! ...

Jesus Died Unto Sin Once And For All
Sin pulls us away from doing God's will, where we end up doing our own will instead. This causes the Holy Spirit to become absent ...

Justified Through Faith In Christ
It is through Jesus Christ, our Lord, that we can be saved. Through our faith in Him, we are justified through His blood ...

The Cross
Jesus died for our sins and was resurrected the third day. This is the gospel we preach. Even forgiveness of sins through Christ crucified ...

Jesus Rose From The Dead
Jesus is alive and working in the lives of millions of people today. His fire cannot be tamed, for the Holy Spirit is alive in us ...

Jesus Suffered For Our Sins On The Cross
Jesus was crucified that we might be saved. Every person who believes in Him can be forgiven and find mercy from the Lord ...

Isaiah 53 Prophecy Of The Cross
Jesus died for our sins and every person that believes in and puts their trust in Him shall be saved. We give glory and praise to the Lord Jesus Christ ...

A Shadow Of Things To Come With Christ
If you want to know exactly what Jesus did for us on the cross, know that it is spelled out for us all throughout the Bible, even in the Old and New testaments ...

The Gospel Message
The preaching of the cross is what leads a person to repentance and to follow Jesus for salvation. We love God enough, as to never forget the price that Jesus paid for us ...

The Message Of The Cross
No person on this earth has ever been saved, but through the blood of Jesus. Only because of what He did for us on the cross, does it make it possible to be redeemed and have our sins forgiven ...

The Cross Of Jesus
The salvation of the Lord Jesus came through the cross and His resurrection. We have forgiveness for sins, as we call upon His Name and put our trust in Jesus ...

Jesus Has Risen From The Dead
Now let us look into the details of one of these great visitations of Jesus after His resurrection. More specifically we will look into when Jesus appeared to the two men on their way to the "village called Emmaus" ...

The Cross And Resurrection
To think of the cross, we must first understand what first took place there. As Paul said, while he declared the gospel, "Christ died for our sins" ...

The Road To Emmaus
Three days after Jesus's death, there were two men walking to the village Emmaus. This is when Jesus appeared to them ...

The Cross And The Resurrection
What has brought me closer to Christ than ever before is understanding the true meaning of the cross and also His resurrection ...

The Resurrection Of Our Lord
After Jesus's mother and Mary Magdalene went their way to bring word of the resurrection of Jesus to His disciples, Jesus appeared in their midst ...

Jesus Died For Our Sins And Was Resurrected
Oh how merciful is our Lord Jesus. I give thanks for the cross. Though it was so painful and hard to bare, Jesus suffered that we might be forgiven ...

Palm Sunday
When Jesus entered Jerusalem on a colt, imagine people all around Him giving praise. It was like a parade and Jesus was the main event ...

Jesus’s Sacrifice And Resurrection
My precious Jesus. You are the reason why I live. Your mercy has set me free. The cross has given me hope for a new day. Thank You Lord ...