Jesus sacrificed His life for us on the cross. Through His atonement, we can be forgiven and saved through His blood.
Today’s Inspiration (06/06/2022)
Jesus came and fulfilled the need for any more burnt offerings. He is the Lamb of God who took away the sins of the world.
Today’s Inspiration (06/05/2022)
Every Mormon struggles with three different sins that keep them on the path of destruction. These are Pride, Idolatry, and Unbelief.
Today’s Inspiration (06/04/2022)
Women can teach in church as long as they do not usurp authority from men. However, pastors are men in God’s sight.
Today’s Inspiration (06/03/2022)
Mormons extol Joseph Smith, while Christians extol the Lord. They praise a dead man, while we praise Jesus, who is alive.
Today’s Inspiration (06/02/2022)
Pride month is of the devil. One day every homosexual will have to give an account to God, while first suffering in hell.
Today’s Inspiration (06/01/2022)
Are you willing to write your name down for the working of the kingdom of God? If so, let the Lord know in prayer.
Today’s Inspiration (05/31/2022)
People have tried to justify polygamy through verses in the Bible. However, this always fails when God declares the truth.
Today’s Inspiration (05/30/2022)
Those who rebel or fight against God will one day be consumed in God’s wrath while in this life or the next.
Today’s Inspiration (05/29/2022)
God has always been for just one man and one wife in marriage. Polygamy has been justified by men, but not by the Lord.
Today’s Inspiration (05/28/2022)
Remember God and His commandments for our lives. We love Jesus and abide in His love as we know and do as He says.
Today’s Inspiration (05/27/2022)
Atonement offerings were always made through a sacrificial death. Frist animals and finally Jesus on the cross.
Today’s Inspiration (05/26/2022)
Jesus came into the world and died for sins on the cross. This is where the blood atonement was made for us.
Today’s Inspiration (05/25/2022)
In our confessions, God knows if we are sincere. He pardons those who no longer desire to sin willfully against Him.
Today’s Inspiration (05/24/2022)
We are either for or against God in the way we live our daily life. Evaluate your life to see if you are in the faith.
Today’s Inspiration (05/23/2022)
The importance of priests was to administer in the tabernacle. Those days ended with Jesus and Him setting up His church.
Today’s Inspiration (05/22/2022)
The Book of Mormon is a corrupted book that consists of a collection of Bible verses that are twisted and taken out of context.
Today’s Inspiration (05/21/2022)
There is a lake of fire prepared for people who are not saved in this life. There are no second chances for people that go there.
Today’s Inspiration (05/20/2022)
Every knee will have to bow down to Jesus if they have not already in this life. True Christians already worship Him.
Today’s Inspiration (05/19/2022)
The truth is, the teaching of the trinity has been held for the last two thousand years. It is true and biblically sound also.
Today’s Inspiration (05/18/2022)
The Trinity is taught in the Bible. This being that the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, are three persons in one God.
Today’s Inspiration (05/17/2022)
Polygamy is not of God according to the Bible, although the God of Mormonism is confused on this matter.
Today’s Inspiration (05/16/2022)
In death, there are no second chances of going to heaven. If a person goes to hell, they will also go to the lake of fire.
Today’s Inspiration (05/15/2022)
Before Jesus died for our sins an animal blood atonement was necessary when people sinned. He ended this on the cross.
Today’s Inspiration (05/14/2022)
The God of Mormonism is racist, whereas the God of the Bible treats every person of every color and race the same.
Today’s Inspiration (05/13/2022)
Jesus was born in and at Bethlehem. Saying that He was born at Jerusalem is a clear contradiction to the Bible.
Today’s Inspiration (05/12/2022)
Nobody is saved through their works, but through faith in Christ alone. Nobody can work their way to heaven.
Today’s Inspiration (05/11/2022)
Melchizedek is more than just a man. He is the prince of peace and has no beginning of days nor end of days.
Today’s Inspiration (05/10/2022)
Imagine doing something wrong and then being called out by God in all His wrath. It would be terrifying.
Today’s Inspiration (05/09/2022)
It is God’s will that all people were prophets. The gift of prophecy is for everyone, not just a single person or group of individuals.
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