Be still and know that God is in control. Allow the light of Jesus to take over, that all the darkness will be scattered abroad.
Today’s Inspiration (01/07/2021)
Rioting is wrong, but this doesn’t mean that we allow a President to lead us in ways that are evil. We follow Jesus, our king.
Today’s Inspiration (01/06/2021)
As believers in Jesus, we are not to take part in or start riots, but are peaceable people. We love God the same as we love one another.
Today’s Inspiration (01/05/2021)
When we stop reading the Bible, depression, guilt, and fear enter people’s lives. This is because the door to sin has been opened.
Today’s Inspiration (01/04/2021)
Through Jesus and His words abiding in us, we become His living examples here on earth. Where we are kept from evil.
Today’s Inspiration (01/03/2021)
Everything Jesus does in us comes from the Father. The Father’s intentions for our lives come through His Son and then the Spirit.
Today’s Inspiration (01/02/2021)
If Jesus has us, then we are not lost. He is keeping us on His path of righteousness, which leads to heaven.
Today’s Inspiration (01/01/2021)
Is the Holy Spirit with you? If not, then let God fill you with the Spirit. Baptism is another way this gift is bestowed upon us.
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