The light that shines upon us all is our Lord, Jesus. He is the chosen Messiah, who was born to save us all from our sins.
Inspirations (01-2019)
Today’s Inspiration (01/13/2019)
In our confessions, we tell Jesus that we need Him and are sorry for our sins. God then hears our cries and we are forgiven.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (01/12/2019)
Walking in the ways of the Lord means to walk in His light. We allow Him to scatter the darkness that we may be led by the Spirit.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (01/12/2019)
Be vigilant with God and heed His commands. Pray that you may fight against sin and temptation and do His will.
Today’s Inspiration #5 (01/11/2019)
What a Savior we have in Jesus. The Lord God came down and suffered for our sins that we could be forgiven and be saved.
Today’s Inspiration #4 (01/11/2019)
Jesus is my love, my joy, my delight, my rock, my healer, my Savior, and my everything. I can do all things through Christ Jesus.
Today’s Inspiration #3 (01/11/2019)
If you are not ready to meet Jesus in judgement now, don’t delay but repent and come to the Lord today for salvation.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (01/11/2019)
Every day that I read the Bible, the words and its meaning become crystal clear to me. I am then able to do as God commands.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (01/11/2019)
Oh how I love the words of the Lord. They are so beautiful to me ears. I delight in His commands. Therefore, will I walk in them.
Today’s Inspiration (01/10/2019)
If you knew that tonight was your last night before your death, would you be ready to meet Jesus, our Lord God, in judgment?
Today’s Inspiration #3 (01/09/2019)
It is not good to put up walls. However, It is so much better just to forgive the person and to love on them as God loves us.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (01/09/2019)
Forgiveness is the best thing we can ever ask for in life, not only from God and others but from us towards others.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (01/09/2019)
I forgive everyone, for God has done the same for me. How could I hold a grudge against someone when there are no grudges from God.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (01/08/2019)
Looking at porn is wicked. Your salvation is in jeopardy, if you are looking at it. God’s wrath is upon such people.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (01/08/2019)
One of the greatest sins in this era that we live in is Sexual Sin. Specifically Porn. If this is in your life than REPENT today!
Today’s Inspiration (01/07/2019)
Mormon’s are being led by a false prophet and not the Lord God. Therefore, they are led astray into dark paths that do not save.
Today’s Inspiration (01/06/2019)
Why put your trust in things that will soon shrivel up and turn to dust one day? All things will fail you, if they are not in God.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (01/05/2019)
God will not be so kind to the wicked at His Second Coming. These people will be utterly destroyed, lest they seek Him and repent.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (01/05/2019)
So many people do not fear God or sanctify Him anymore. Because of this, they will be dealt with harshly come judgement day.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (01/04/2019)
Openly come to the Lord in His Word and prayer and allow Him to examine your life. If you are unworthy, you will be made known.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (01/04/2019)
Are you humble enough to allow God to convict you of your sins? If so, your whole life will change as God moves in your life.
Today’s Inspiration #4 (01/03/2019)
Don’t ever feel like God’s mercy is not for you. There is nothing He will not forgive. You just need to allow Him to cleanse you.
Today’s Inspiration #3 (01/03/2019)
I know that so many people discount God now-a-days, but this is surely their loss, for they are wasting their opportunity for salvation.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (01/03/2019)
Why live in sin when God is waiting to change your wicked heart and cleanse you? Don’t let your guilt stop you from His forgiveness.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (01/03/2019)
Go all in for God. Seek Him each day. Read the Bible and pray that you may know and do His will.
Today’s Inspiration (01/02/2019)
We are called to wait upon the Lord and do as He calls us. Don’t let shame get in the way. Confess and be made clean today!
Today’s Inspiration #1 (01/01/2019)
What amazes me is in our confessions to God, our sins are purged. God cleanses us and takes away all the shame and guilt.
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