Dinah Is Abducted And Raped
Rape takes fornication to the next level. This is very serious in the sight of God. God’s wrath is upon all rapists.
Rape takes fornication to the next level. This is very serious in the sight of God. God’s wrath is upon all rapists.
The moment you no longer feel the need to forgive somebody, God feels the same way about not forgiving you.
Remember to put your trust in God. Is He on Your mind throughout the day or are there other things that take your attention?
Don’t delay when God calls you to something. His wisdom is for us. When you disregard Him, He no longer speaks to you.
The Lord is the giver of all things good. This includes strength, peace, joy, and love during hard times of our lives.
Polygamy is not instituted by God, but by men. If people tell you the opposite then they don’t understand the Bible.
Remember God and His great mercy for your life. Give Him thanks and praise this day in prayer and supplications.
Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, God, and King. His mercy endures forever. Sing Him a new song today.
God does reveal His secrets unto those who believe through visions. We are so blessed to be the Lord’s people who are saved.
From the lineage of Jacob, who is Israel, came Jesus. We read this in his blessing given to him by his father, Isaac.
It is so important that we never lie but always tell the truth. This can be hard, especially when we are in a sticky situation.
What does your salvation with God mean to you? Does it mean that you would do anything to keep it intact?
God is willing to save anyone, especially people who are trapped in cults. Jesus is the way out. There is no other way.
There are times in our lives when God answers us immediately. Other times we wait for God to lead us when we are ready.
God gives us the strength we need when people we love pass away. He also helps us mourn with those who are suffering.
God does test our faith. He desires to know if we are in the faith at times in our lives. It is up to us to respond favorably.
God loves us so much as to give us children. The offspring that the women bear comes from God’s own hands.
Often times we say and do things that are sinful and wrong, where people of the world have to rebuke us for sinning against God.
When we know that we are in sin and to get right with God, we do so with haste. This is because tomorrow is not promised.
Anybody involved in the homosexual lifestyle, which is sin, needs to repent and get right with God as soon as possible.
The multitude of people’s sins are known before the Lord. In His wrath, the wicked are destroyed, like with Sodom.
Are you ready to sit down and dine with the Lord Jesus if he came to the door of your house and began to knock?
To make a nativity scene for anything or anyone but Jesus during the month of Christmas is blasphemy to God.
God calls us to be perfect. This means to covenant with Him that we will listen and hearken unto His voice.
The Lord does come to the rescue. Even when things are so bleak and hard to go forward in life. Prayer does this.
The Lord, our God, is our shield, even our great reward, to those who believe in and follow Him.
God blesses those who believe in and follow after Him. Some people even hear the Lord’s voice and see His face.
Only Jesus saves, not religion. The Bible is God’s Word. I am so grateful that the Lord saved a wretch like me.
Do people give praise to God or give praise to men? And should this even be a question in our minds? Absolutely not.