The Fruits Of Our Salvation

Bring forth fruit unto salvation. This is Jesus working in your life. Dead faith is what keeps a person from going to heaven.

No More Death And Sorrow

Those who believe in and follow Jesus have nothing to fear come death. This is because He has brought them safely home.

A New Life In Christ Jesus

Allow Jesus to give you new life. Only He can give you the power to resist the devil. Through His hand, we receive eternal life.

Only One Way To Heaven

There is no other way to heaven but through Jesus alone. Therefore, keep your eyes fixed upon Him that you may not be deceived.

Jesus’s Birth: Matthew 2

We celebrate Jesus and His birth this time of year. Because He came, our sins can be forgiven, while our path is set in motion.

Jesus Said He Is God: Mark 2

Because Jesus is the “Son of Man”, that also makes Him the Lord our God. He has the power to heal us and to forgive us our sins.

Jesus Said He Is God: Luke 5

Because Jesus is the Son of Man, this means He is God. He holds the power to forgive our sins and to raise us up unto eternal life.

Jesus Said He Is God: John 13

Jesus is the Son of Man. Of which we know that means He is the Lord, even our great God. He was given dominion and glory from His Father.

Jesus Said He Is God: John 14

Jesus is in the Father and the Father is in Him. The Father sends the Holy Spirit and Jesus is with us. This is called the trinity.

Jesus Said He Is God: John 10

Jesus and the Father are one. Even the Holy Spirit is with Him and us also. These three are different persons in one true God.

Jesus Said He Is God: John 8

Jesus is the great “I Am”. He proclaimed this to the people. Therefore, He is the Lord God Almighty, who is worthy to save.

Jesus Said He Is God: Revelation 1

Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last. God said this in times past and Jesus is confirming that He is that same God.

Rebellious Children

Children need to learn to love and honor both of their parents equally. This is God’s commandment for all kids in the faith.

The Work Of An Evangelist

We are each instructed to do the work of an evangelist. This means to be ready to share the gospel with anybody you may encounter.

Abortion And Forgiveness

Killing innocent babies in abortion is allowing their blood to come upon your heads. Only God can cleanse you of these sins.

Pray Always

Remember to pray always. Only by doing this will you be found not giving in to your sinful desires. God will keep you from falling.

God Wants To Help Us

God wants to answer your prayers and give you guidance. But who is willing to keep His commandments and do what He desires first?

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