Four Types Of People

You are either saved and there are fruits to show for it, or else you are unsaved and no fruits from God can be seen in your life.

A House Divided In Marriage

Only Jesus can help there to be peace and love in your home. Without Him, there is often contention and unnecessary grief.

Jesus’s Ministry Began

Jesus asks that we repent and believe the gospel. That Jesus died for our sins on the cross and rose from the dead the third day.

Worship Jesus

Come and worship Jesus today. You may have been told not to, but the Bible says that He is worthy of our praise, honor, and worship.

Many False Gods In Mormonism

To believe in many gods, or that you will become one, means that you deny what the Bible says. This is breaking God’s commandment.

Preaching In My Neighborhood

Go forth and preach the gospel. Even in places like your neighborhood. God asks that we open our mouths and He will fill it.

Why I Forgive

Forgiving one another as God forgives us comes easier when we allow God to remove all the anger and bitterness from our hearts.

Why I Pray

Be constant in prayer. Pray for your needs and other people’s also. Remember to thank God in the good times and bad.

Why I Live

It is better to live our lives for Jesus, then unto ourselves. With the help of God we can become selfless, kind, and loving.

Utah Mission Trip (10/06/20)

This, being the last day in Utah, I give God thanks for this trip and for our conversation with a homeless man, near the Ogden Temple.

Why I Write

There is a reason why I write daily devotionals. It is because of my love for Jesus and my neighbor. I want to draw people to Him.

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