Allow God To Remove Idols In Your Lives
Earlier I mentioned the things we could be doing that are only time wasters, of which take our precious time away from God.
Earlier I mentioned the things we could be doing that are only time wasters, of which take our precious time away from God.
When it comes to our new life in Christ, Paul described this new walk in great detail in Romans, chapter 7. How we are married to Christ when we believe in Him.
Every person that is free from any type of addiction or bad habit in their life ought to give God thanks and show their gratitude towards Him.
If anything is broken now, God is able to mend those broken ties, by ushering in His love. We then can’t help but forgive all people.
It is when we are truthful to people, is when trust is also built. Now the opposite is when people lie and even jokingly lie and then say sorry sarcastically.
Truly, money almost took me down the path of becoming divorced and even homeless, because of almost losing our home and all the stress in the marriage.
For everyone that is welcomed to live with Jesus on this new earth, they are also called His sons and His daughters.
To those that have repented and been given newness of life in Christ Jesus, their walk is much different now.
So let’s now read a few verses that affirm our stance on abortion and homosexuality. First off being abortion, where God said, “be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth” (Genesis 1:28)
So my question for you all is, do you even want to be saved? If so, then you should know what to do with your life?
There are so many great and mighty things the Lord can do in the lives of those that believe in Him. We are not alone, but have His mighty presence to bear us up at all times.
The devil desires for us to be happy for a time, but then have us feel a need to have more and more of it, in order to be really happy.
When it comes to fornication and adultery, men and women are both at fault here. It is true that women who wear skimpy outfits are in the wrong and defile their temples, which is of the living God.
The Bible is clear that salvation does not go through a man-made church or through any person, but through Christ alone.
It is true that what you are doing with your life now is either drawing you to God or away from Him. This is why most people that I am even speaking to now are on the path of destruction and don’t even realize it.
Surely, guilt can really kick in when we’ve lied to people that we care about. Even other people often pay the consequences for these mistakes, which is very sad.
Our love for God becomes real, as we go out in the world and begin to light it up. We see those people that are in need and care for them.
Lord, Your ways are amazing and I cannot stop learning from Your Words in the Bible. You have taught me so much over these last few years and my mind has been officially blown by what I have found and learned.
Now, David’s second lie was having the need to get a weapon, because he said the king required it to be done in a swift manner.
Jonathan was David’s best friend, and during these rough times, he was able to go to him, along with God, for help.
If it wasn’t for Jonathan, that night, Saul may have tried early on to kill David. So thankfully his son at least saw the good in David and had his back, along with God, of course.
It was in this time that Saul began plotting against David that, “Michal Saul’s daughter loved David: and they told Saul, and the thing pleased him.
You may think that someone going to war, in times past, would need at least a helmet, armor, a shield and a sword. However, although this was common then, this was not the case for David.
So what does it look like to trust in God with our whole heart? Well, it means doing as He commands us and giving up things that are holding us back from following Him.
Counseling is an option when our marriage is on the rocks. This is especially true if your spouse is willing to go down this road. Re-courting our spouse also helps.
It was after David got the calling from God to be King, that God’s anointing was removed from Saul. So the Spirit of God left him and an evil spirit found rout in Saul’s heart instead.
Many people are lying to themselves, saying that they believe in God, when they voluntarily participate in such a dark and evil day as Halloween, instead of abiding in Jesus.
In this life there is only one person that can defend us from the enemy and that is our Lord God. As David said, “the Lord is our defence; and the Holy One of Israel is our king.” (Psalm 89:18)
Did you not know that the bible says, “have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” (Ephesians 5:11)
Much like Mary glorified in her Son, Jesus, oh how my soul praises the Lord, my Savior. My heart doth magnify the God of Israel and every nation.