Will God Say, Well Done OR Depart From Me?
The opposite can be said for the unbelievers and those that have once believed in and followed Jesus, but then went their own way.
The opposite can be said for the unbelievers and those that have once believed in and followed Jesus, but then went their own way.
Some of you may be praying for mercy and forgiveness. This is s a very good thing to do and praise be to God that you are giving your heart to Him now in prayer.
In response to the Mormon church not having crosses and taking away the importance of it, the apostle Paul spoke out about this.
Make the Lord a priority in Your life, then will you do things that honors Him. Then will praises and thanksgiving come forth from Your lips to Jesus, our Lord, in prayer.
The day that Jesus came unto His disciples, the day of His resurrection, He ushered in the holy Spirit to them. However, it was then that others would also gain the same gift.
This message of the cross and resurrection is so important to our faith in Jesus. Without this knowledge and understanding, we would not be where we are today and surely not be saved.
If you truly desire to be saved, then learn to follow Jesus and do as He says. You do this by making God and His Words a priority in Your life.
The problem with this church and many others in our day is that most people that attend them don’t hold fast to what they have been taught from the Bible.
Once we repent and allow God to change us from within, we are able to understand the bondage that we are under, in order to be set free.
As we discussed above, I could stop here and say that Catholics are the only ones that have issues repeating prayers, but that is not the case.
If there is one person that can help us live any differently, while being in this wicked world, it is the Lord God. Our willingness to serve Him, also brings in the Holy Spirit to guide us.
The Catholic Church’s Ten Commandments is a modified version of Exodus 20. It is not the same thing, but a very slim down version of the real deal.
The preaching of the cross is what leads a person to repentance and to follow Jesus for salvation. We love God enough, as to never forget the price that Jesus paid for us.
God has given every believer that trusts in Him the Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit of truth, to guide their lives. The Spirit of God is our help mate in all things.
To those people that made a choice to repent, and turn from their sins, and unto Jesus for salvation, these people are saved.
How different would your life really be like if you started giving God the time He deserves? The answer is a change of heart, mind, and soul.
Jesus taught us that our actions will get us in trouble, but so will our words. He said, “but I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
With every belief that we stand on, we need to always check them out with the Bible in hand, just to make sure they are sound.
When speaking of sin, I am not talking about falling into sin on occasion, but willfully doing something daily that God doesn’t approve of.
The second thing that people do that is of this world is participate in Halloween, and watch horror flicks. Even haunted houses do they seek out, in order to have a good scare.
Now that you know what God hates and of which is an abomination to Him, it is important to respond to Him accordingly.
It was after Daniel prayed that the angel Gabriel appeared unto Him. He then spoke of the time frame of when the Messiah would come into the world.
If you read the Bible, then you know what God hates, and should wish to be released from these things. This could be an addiction to pornography, alcohol, drugs, or a lifestyle like sex outside of marriage.
As is taught, come judgement day, people are either going be found innocent or guilty. The one key factor is if people believed in and followed Jesus for salvation.
To continue to live in willful sin is telling God that He doesn’t matter and is storing up His wrath for that wicked person’s life.
When it comes to our kids, they need to be onboard with obeying both of their parents and not just one. They should not be disobeying what one parent is saying and running to their other parent in disregard to his/her needs.
Do we have to live a life of sadness while in this life? The answer is no. However, many people do live like this and even cry themselves to sleep at night.
Pray often and allow others in the faith to pray over you also. Reading the Bible is also what you need to be doing daily, in order to withstand the temptations of the devil.