As I speak these things, as do Paul, “I trust that ye shall know that we are not reprobates.” We know the dangers of living in sin and not in the purity of God’s love and are here to warn you.
As I speak these things, as do Paul, “I trust that ye shall know that we are not reprobates.” We know the dangers of living in sin and not in the purity of God’s love and are here to warn you.
Paul was asked about how he lived his life, since he was so bold to talk about the pitfalls of sin and death.
When we continue to put our trust in God and lean on Him in all situations of our lives, everything tends to work out for the greater good.
As Christians, we focus our minds on God and desire His will for our lives always. This way we can be led by the Holy Spirit and do things the way He desires, and not our things.
It is in God’s hand that we are made to be His ministers. And with the Holy Spirit in us, we can speak about condemnation and death, while leading people out from the path of destruction and unto God.
With those that are in need of forgiveness, we give it freely as God responds the same way with each of us. How are we to act any differently when we are His disciples?
Now let us look into the details of one of these great visitations of Jesus after His resurrection. More specifically we will look into when Jesus appeared to the two men on their way to the “village called Emmaus”.
Our Lord God is so merciful and kind. His compassion and love has no end. Till the end of time does He search for us and wish that we would return to Him.
To think of the cross, we must first understand what first took place there. As Paul said, while he declared the gospel, “Christ died for our sins”.
We have learned the importance of enduring persecution and temptation. That our love will extend towards others in the faith and outside the faith through evangelism.
There is a reason why men and women get married and start a family on their own. It is not just because they love each other, but because this is how it was meant to be from the beginning of time.
Please understand that God hates every form of sexual sin. It truly is vile and wicked in every form imaginable
When a person becomes faithful to God, their lives are now much different than before. Instead of taking offense real easily, there is forgiveness in our hearts.
Truly a church that is on fire for the Lord are also church goers who are loving on, encouraging, praying for, and doing what they can to help one another.
It is because the eyes of the Israelite people are darkened is “that they may not see”. In this, do they walk contrary to God and not even realize it.
The God I know would not add to His words, the Bible. He would also not have another book that contradicts the Bible in so many ways.
When I look at this world I see many people that go to church, do worship and act their part well, where really their lives are often contrary to God.
It is the children of God that God has mercy upon. Those that call upon the Name of Jesus and do what He says will be found worthy.
Our own works, no matter how good they seem, do more harm than not. This is why a desire to be led by the Spirit of God, and not ourselves, is so important.