Where Is Your Treasure?

There will be a day when Jesus returns to the earth. His wrath will be poured out on the wicked, whereas His love will be bestowed upon the righteous.

Walk In The Ways Of The Lord

I am so grateful for God’s mercy. Because of the cross, I am forgiven from all my sins. Jesus has cut down the chains of addiction in my life.

Take Up Your Cross

How many hours, this week, have you watched TV? How many hours, this week, have you read the Bible?

Evangelize: Downtown Boise With Preaching

It surely was amazing to see so many people listen to the Word of God, this night. Near the crowds, in the line, was this homeless man who was willing to hear God’s Word.

Thou Shalt Not Covet

To yearn for things we don’t possess is against God’s will. When these thoughts are active in our minds we tend to make bad decisions.

Idolatry In The Mormon Faith

Attending the Mormon Temple and doing ordinances there in is breaking God’s second commandment, “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image”.

Run From Sin

Do we run from our sins or let the sin take root in our lives? When we face a temptation do we easily give way to it or do we put up our guards to deflect it?

Heaven Or Hell In Judgement

It is a great opportunity to live for Christ. It is my reward to have His Spirit in my life. I was given a second chance at life and I am blessed to follow my King.

Testify Of Jesus

My heart is joyful for this opportunity to share the love of Jesus with my step mother and these two salesmen.

Only One God

There are no other gods beside God, the Father. Cast aside any false teachings about God in your heart.

Fruits Of Following Christ

I know that nothing I could ever do for my sake would yield eternal joy. Only the things I do in the name of Jesus has given me eternal happiness.

Refuge In The Storms

The Lord God is all powerful and mighty. His plans for mankind are righteous and holy. In Him, there is eternal life and salvation in heaven.

Our Belief In Jesus

Repent and come to Jesus to be saved. Come to know Him personally as your Lord and Savior. A relationship will be built as you read the Holy Bible.

Seek The Kingdom Of God

We are either full of darkness because of the idols, sins and other worldly habits in our lives or our walk is in the light of Christ.

Believe God And Read The Bible

When we find ourselves mixing with things outside the faith, the Word does not profit us. It speaks against our sins and pains us to the core.

Secret Sins And Its Impact

The story of Joseph, being sold into Egypt and then his death being lied about is saddening. I feel for the loss Joseph’s father must have felt in that moment.

Evangelize: Post Street

The Lord led us further around the corner and the first house we knocked on was a very sweet lady. She opened the door and came right out to talk with us.

God Is Love

I cannot contain the love I have for Jesus. He has truly taught me how to love my neighbor. He took my pride and turned it into love for one another.

Let Your Light So Shine

We are God’s servants on earth. He has made us a new creation and breathed in us the Holy Spirit. We have been taken from the darkness and into the light of Christ.

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