Mormons Are Scared To Know The Truth
Mormons are scared to know the truth. Asking them to visit a website outside their church is a no go. Same goes for videos calls.
Mormons are scared to know the truth. Asking them to visit a website outside their church is a no go. Same goes for videos calls.
Mormon Teachings are in opposition with the Bible Teachings. This is obvious when we see the teachings side by side.
This message exposes the multiple woman that Joseph Smith married, although they were already married at the time.
The timeline of Polygamy in the Mormon Church. See for yourself what happened at different dates in time.
How can Mormons believe in a man that claimed to be a prophet and also a bigamist? I am speaking of Joseph Smith.
People have tried to justify polygamy through verses in the Bible. However, this always fails when God declares the truth.
God has always been for just one man and one wife in marriage. Polygamy has been justified by men, but not the Lord.
Polygamy is not of God according to the Bible, although the God of Mormonism is confused on this matter.
Polygamy is not instituted by God, but by men. If people tell you the opposite then they don’t understand the Bible.
What David did was very wrong. But for you to see the details for yourself, here it is from 1 Samuel 25, starting with verses 39.
In order to know the truth of Joseph Smith or expose him for what he really is, we will look at four things that stem from his practice of polygamy that easily proves that fact.