Marinda Johnson Hyde
April 1842 – Joseph Smith (Age: 36) married Marinda Johnson Hyde (Age: 27), who at the time was married to Orson Hyde.
April 1842 – Joseph Smith (Age: 36) married Marinda Johnson Hyde (Age: 27), who at the time was married to Orson Hyde.
March 1842 – Joseph Smith (Age: 36) married Patty Bartlett Sessions (Age: 47), who at the time was married to David Sessions. She is the mother of Sylvia Lyon.
January 17, 1842 – Joseph Smith (Age: 36) married Mary Rollins Lightner (Age: 23), who at the time was married to Adam Lightner.
February 1842 – Joseph Smith (Age: 36) married Sylvia Sessions Lyon (Age: 23), who at the time was married to Windsor Lyon.
January 6, 1842 – Joseph Smith (Age: 36) married Agnes Coolbrith (Age: 33), who was the widow of Don Carlos (Joseph’s brother).
December 1841 -Joseph Smith (Age: 35) married Presendia Huntington Buell (Age: 31), who at the time was married to Norman Buell. She is the sister of Zina Jacobs.
October, 1841 -Joseph Smith (Age: 35) married Zina Huntington Jacobs (Age: 20), who at the time was married to Henry Jacobs. She is the sister of Presendia Buell.
April 5, 1841 – Joseph Smith (Age: 35) married Louisa Beaman (Age: 26)
1838 – Joseph Smith (Age: 32) married Lucinda Harris (Age: 37), who was at the time married to George Harris.
1833 – Joseph Smith (Age: 27) married Fanny Alger (Age: 16)
January 18, 1827 – Joseph Smith (Age: 21) married Emma Hale (Age: 22)
Joseph Smith changed Revelation 12:12. This is so wrong as you will see in this message.
Mormon Teachings are in opposition with the Bible Teachings. This is obvious when we see the teachings side by side.
Beware of Mormon missionaries. They come as wolves in sheep’s clothing. Their message may sound good, but it is not of God.
Alma 34:36 teaches that God is spirit, where Doctrine and Covenants 130:22 teaches that the Father has flesh and bones.
Joseph Smith changed the Bible with the JST including the Book of Revelation. See Revelation 12:11 for an example of this change.
Joseph Smith more than added to the Book Of Revelation 12:8, but destroyed the verse entirely his new content.
The Joseph Smith Translation is a work from the devil. Just look at how Joseph changed Revelation 12:7.
Joseph Smith was deceived by Satan to change the KJV Bible. This extended into Revelation 12:6.
Joseph Smith changed the Book of Revelation, which includes chapter 12, verse 4 and dozens of other verses.
Along with changing the KJV Bible, Joseph Smith also changed the Book of Revelation, including Revelation 12:1.
Revelation 10:4 was changed by the hand of Joseph Smith along with 3410+ other verses in the Bible.
Revelation 9:16 was purposely changed by the hand of Joseph Smith. He didn’t care one way or another.
Joseph Smith purposely changed the Book of Revelation, chapter 9, verse 4. His version is absolutely corrupted.
Joseph Smith is a con-man. He purposely changed the Bible, plus Revelation without even thinking.
Joseph Smith purposely changed the Bible, including the Book of Revelation. An example is Revelation 6:14.
joseph Smith manipulated Revelation 6:1 so much as to make the verse not even make remote sense.
Joseph Smith hated the word “spirits” in Revelation and changed it to “servants” each time he saw this word. This is so terrible to see.
Why or why did Joseph Smith corrupt the King James Bible? That is the question.
Why would Joseph Smith change the KJV Bible? He surely was not in his right mind.