No Homosexuals In Heaven

There are NO Homosexuals in heaven. It is for this reason that I go out and warn the people of the LGBTQ community of the wrath to come.

The Lake Of Fire And Second Death

There is a real Hell and worse than that is the Lake of Fire. Our worst nightmares don’t even compare to what Hell and then the Lake of Fire is like.

Pulling Mormons Out Of The Fire

My true desire in life is to lead Mormons to Jesus. I love them so much as to help them come out of the fire and to the foot of Jesus for salvation.

Fanny Young

November 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Fanny Young (Age: 56).

Melissa Lott

September 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Melissa Lott (Age: 19).

Desdemona Fullmer

July 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Desdemona Fullmer (Age: 32).

Rhoda Richards

June 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Rhoda Richards (Age: 58), who was the widow of Ebenezer Damon.

Elvira Cowles Holmes

June 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Elvira Cowles Holmes (Age: 29), who at the time was married to Jonathon Holmes.

Olive Frost

Mid 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Olive Frost (Age: 27), who was at the time married to Parley P. Pratt.

Hanna Ells

Mid 1843 – Joseph (Age: 37) married Hanna Ells (Age: 29).

Helen Mar Kimball

May 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Helen Mar Kimball (Age: 14).

Sarah And Maria Lawrence

June 1842 – Joseph Smith (Age: 36) married Sarah Kingsley Cleveland (Age: 54), who at the time was married to John Cleveland.

Lucy Walker

May 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Lucy Walker (Age: 17).

Almera Johnson

April 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Almera Johnson (Age: 30), the sister of Delcena Sherman.

Emily And Eliza Partridge

March 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Emily Dow Partridge (Age: 19), and her sister Eliza Maria Partridge (Age: 22).

Flora Ann Woodworth

Spring 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Flora Ann Woodworth (Age: 16).

Ruth Vose Sayers

February 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Ruth Vose Sayers (Age: 33), who at the time was married to Edward Sayers.

Nancy Winchester

1843 – Joseph (Age: 37) married Nancy Winchester (Age: 14).

Martha McBride Knight

August 1842 – Joseph Smith (Age: 36) married Martha McBride Knight. (Age: 37), who was the widow of Vinson Knight.

Sarah Ann Whitney

July 1842 – Joseph Smith (Age: 36) married Sarah Ann Whitney (Age: 17).

Eliza R. Snow

June 1842 – Joseph Smith (Age: 36) married Eliza R. Snow (Age: 38).

Delcena Sherman

July 1842 – Joseph Smith (Age: 36) married Delcena Sherman (Age: 37), who was the widow of Lyman Sherman. She is the sister of Almera Johnson.

Sarah Kingsley Cleveland

June 1842 – Joseph Smith (Age: 36) married Sarah Kingsley Cleveland (Age: 54), who at the time was married to John Cleveland.

Elizabeth Davis Durfee

June 1842 – Joseph Smith (Age: 36) married Elizabeth Davis Durfee (Age: 51), who at the time was married to Jabez Durfee.

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