Jesus Said He Is God And Worship Me
The God of Israel said that every knee shall bow before Him and that he is God and no one else. This means that there is only one true God in the heavens
The God of Israel said that every knee shall bow before Him and that he is God and no one else. This means that there is only one true God in the heavens
Jesus is God, the Creator, our Judge, the Messiah, was born, died for our sins, rose from the grave, and is returning.
Jesus Is My God. He is the Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end. The first and the last, having always been with the Father.
Jesus is God, having always been with the Father. He created all things, and came down to earth to pay the price for our sins.
Through Jesus’s death and atonement on the cross we can be forgiven and be covered by His blood. This is open to anybody who would receive Him as Lord.
My true desire in life is to lead Mormons to Jesus. I love them so much as to help them come out of the fire and to the foot of Jesus for salvation.
Mormon Teachings are in opposition with the Bible Teachings. This is obvious when we see the teachings side by side.
It was in 1998, that the Mormon Prophet, Gordon B Hinckley, admitted to believing in a different Jesus than in Christianity. This is that quote, “In bearing testimony of Jesus Christ, President Hinckley spoke of those outside the Church who say Latter-day Saints ‘do not believe in the traditional Christ.’ ‘No, I don’t. The traditional
During the initiatory session in the Mormon temples, they anoint different parts of a person’s body as proxy for a dead person.
There are four covenants made by people who enter Mormon temples. We will go through all four, starting with the first one, the Law of Sacrifice Covenant.
Out of the mouth of Jesus, He is Alpha and Omega, the first and the last. Therefore, He has always been God.
Other sheep is speaking of the Gentiles, which were once not part of the fold in Israel. They are now gathered in through faith in Jesus.
Mormons admit that they worship a different Jesus than that in Christianity. This is huge and should cause many Mormons to resign.
Those who do proxy work for dead people are doing the works of Satan. He is thrilled with this type of work. God’s wrath is upon them.
Who would be so bold as to say they are better than Jesus? Surely, a true believer in Him would never say this.
Nobody knew or used the name Jesus, or Christ in the Old Testament. The Book of Mormon people were not more important.
What Mormon missionaries talk about is not what Christians believe in or have kept to be true for the many years of their lives.
Mormon missionaries need to stop what they are doing and go home from their mission. What they are doing is not doing God a favor.
Mormons are in conflict when it comes to worshiping Jesus. Depending upon the person you ask you will get different answers.
Mormons teach that Jesus’s atonement started in Gethsemane and ended on the cross, putting the emphasis on the garden.
Out of Jesus’s own mouth came the teaching that the Father is Spirit, and if Spirit, there is no body of flesh and bones.
Mormons claim that Jesus and Lucifer are the offspring of the Father. How Jesus is the firstborn of the Father where later came Lucifer.
Mormons are not Christians, and this is because of how they downplay Jesus as God. They don’t believe He was always God. How Jesus had to become a God like unto all other Gods before Him. Bruce McConkie wrote, “the Lord Jesus worked out his own salvation.” (Our Relationship With The Lord, pg. 9) Joseph
Jesus was born of a virgin, who is called Mary. Not a woman that already had sex with the Father, as Mormons teach. This is so blasphemous.
The gospel message is that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and then rose from the grave. It does not include Gethsemene.
There is hope after Mormonism. After a person leaves that faith behind, there is a much better path ahead of them in Christ Jesus.
Since Jesus is our mediator to the Father we can come to Him specifically in prayer, and no longer have to go through a man any longer for answers.
We as believers in Christ, are the members of His body. Each person has a gift from God, in which the Lord is able to use in His church.
Since Jesus and the Father are both considered God, then to worship them both is good. It is good to worship the Father and Jesus, our Lord.
The Bible teaches that the blood of Jesus is vital to our salvation. Our sins can be covered, because of the cross.
In the Bible, you will see that there are no references to the Name, Jesus, Christ or Jesus Christ, until Matthew 1:1.