Mormonism: Wake Up Call In The Afterlife
Here is the sad truth when it comes to Mormonism in the afterlife. Not only does God send Mormons to hell, but they will learn the following.
Here is the sad truth when it comes to Mormonism in the afterlife. Not only does God send Mormons to hell, but they will learn the following.
It is because of the Mormon temples that these lost people believe they will be exalted to Godhood.
There is a real Hell and worse than that is the Lake of Fire. Our worst nightmares don’t even compare to what Hell and then the Lake of Fire is like.
Catholics make all kinds of idols for Mary and the Saints, of which never talk and do nothing to help them when they pray.
The Lord, our God, is lifted up and exalted. Other gods are man-made and cannot do anything to help us.
Mormons use scare tactics to keep people from leaving their cult. They use phrases like “sons of perdition” and apostates for people who do.
Mormons are idolaters and go to hell when they die. Believing yourself to become a god is idolatry, as there is only one God.
Mormons believe that people on earth can be exalted to Godhood, whereas Christians believe that there is only one God.
To mingle with gods is to pray to and worship false gods. This is evil and abominable in the Lord, our God’s sight.
Every Mormon struggles with three different sins that keep them on the path of destruction. These are Pride, Idolatry, and Unbelief.
There is only one true God in the heavens. Believing in and/or worshipping other gods is idolatry, which God hates.
There is only one God in the heavens and earth. All other gods are false, which leads to idolatry and a falling away from God.
Attending the Mormon Temple and doing ordinances there in is breaking God’s second commandment, “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image”.
Exodus 20:4-6 (KJV) 4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in