Made Whole Through Jesus
Trust in God, that He will restore your heart. Your fight is over. Come back into His loving arms. It is never too late to come back to Christ.
Trust in God, that He will restore your heart. Your fight is over. Come back into His loving arms. It is never too late to come back to Christ.
If you are caught up in the things of the world, repent. Let go of your lusts and come to the Lord. Let Him cast off your chains of addiction.
Oh Lord, you are everything to me. You light up my life. You bring me joy. Your Word feeds my soul. I am alive in your love.
Be found selfless before the Lord. Offer up your time to Him. Make more time in your daily life for Godly things. Share His gospel with others.
The Lord surely gave woman the ability to calm their children. Everything you do is so amazing. You are changing the world because of your love.
Come broken before the Lord in prayer. Make an offering of your heart to Him. If you are sincere in your desire for change, He will have mercy upon you.
God desires that we follow the footsteps of our parents and get married. How amazing it is when we can find someone to love for ourselves.
If you are sincere in your actions, the Lord will free you from slavery. The more you seek Him the more you will dislike sin and love God.
Our God is perfect in all His ways. His creation was laid out with such precision. It leaves me in awe just thinking of His glorious creation.
We were made in the likeness of God. We all have a purpose on earth. We are not alone for God is always with us. Thank Him each day in prayer.