Blessings From God

The Lord is so good to us. And because of His goodness, He never forgets to poor out His blessings upon His elect. His children are precious in His sight.

Remember God And Give Praise

Each day can be as hard as we make it. It can also be as good as God allows it. Before get out the door, each day, we must decide on what path we will follow.

Harden Not Your Heart And Repent

If your heart is far from God now, repent before time is up! Confess your sins that your heart may be cleansed by the blood of Jesus.

The Wicked Are Punished

It takes a person’s desire to learn from God, in order to change their life. Chastisement is necessary, in order for a change to occur.

Galatians 5:22-26

Galatians 5 :22-26 (KJV)
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
24 And they that are Christ’s have...

Remember God And Obey His Laws

Many things we are attached to in life are idols and must be forsaken to be in His will. Look at the second commandment, for instance.

Live For God And Praise Him

My soul rejoiceth, for I am no longer dead but alive in Christ the Lord. I give Him all my praise and worship for I am saved.

Halloween Is Evil

The scary ghost, goblin, Satan, and witch costumes are simply inviting Satan and his demons into people’s lives. I implore to everyone to not go out on Halloween.

Are You In Idolatry?

Worshipping idols includes, spending our time and effort into having the luxuries in life through money, spending most of our time on our cell phones or watching or playing games on TV.


Each time a woman has an abortion, she is committing murder. People go to jail and killed for this same act but they are getting off scot free.

Preaching On Abiding In The Spirit

Paul said, “Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.” It is true that when we abide in the love of God that our shield of faith is raised.

Following Jesus Brings True Joy

The Lord teaches us to follow Him and do His will. We are weak but He makes us stronger. Each day that we seek Him we are able to do good works through Him.

Bear One Another’s Burdens

Tonight, I was visiting my mom, at her assisted living facility, when I saw this older gentlemen standing outside. He looked down and depressed.

Faith Built On The Bible

No matter the appearance of the church we go to, if their teachings are not Biblical than leave that faith.

Utah Mission Trip (05/06/17)

As we walked back towards Temple Square we ended up seeing a lonely man at the entrance of the Temple Square. I could feel the Spirit telling us to talk with Him.

Thanks To Our Lord On High

Lord, Your love has restored my life. I am made clean through Your mercy. Thank You for suffering for our sins.

Walk In The Spirit

When we live a life for Christ our hearts will change. Our love will extend towards others. We will begin to feel peace and joy in our walk with the Lord.

Don’t Be Deceived

Our hearts must be broken in order to let the Spirit convict us of the truth. To continue living a lie will only push God away.

Jesus Died That We Might Live

Give your lives to Jesus. Let Him be a light in your life. There is hope and salvation through our Lord Jesus. He felt all our pains that our sins may be washed away.

Jesus Sets Us Free

Jesus is so merciful. Through His blood I have been healed. Through His love I have been set free. I have finally found love that lasts.

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