Fallen Into Sin? Repent!

We know that habitual sinners will not inherit the kingdom of God. However, this doesn’t mean we won’t ever sin.

Live By Faith

If your heart has drawn cold to the things of God, then wake up from your slumber. No longer be on the fence of doing God’s will over what the world offers.

Sons And Daughters Of God

How grateful I am to have such a loving Father. To be called the son of the Most High God means the world to me.

Evangelize: Primrose Street

To all those that love the Lord, God asks that they become ambassadors of Him. That they don’t keep His message to themselves but share it with others.

Walk Apart From The World

It is my heart’s desire to do God’s will. I know that there are many things in this world that can take me away from His presence.

Believe In Jesus Of The Bible

What saddens me is that many people I’ve talked to are closed off to God’s Word. What they’ve learned throughout their life is more important than hearing the gospel of the Bible.

Prepare! For Judgement Awaits

I was once lost and did so many things contrary to the Lord. When He delivered me from my old life I can see how much I must have hurt Him.

We Are Made New

I am so amazed at the love of Jesus. There is no one like our God. He is my salvation. Praise the Lord. Hosanna to the highest. Glory to God.

God Comforts Us In Trials

When times are difficult come to God. Let Him help bear your burdens. He will give you peace. Seek others that are hurting and comfort them.

Jesus’s Grace Is Sufficient

Through we don’t deserve it the Lord extends His love to each of us. He picks us up when we are down. He is so merciful and kind.

Jesus Is My Everything

Jesus is my everything. I am a new person in Him. I love Him so much that it brings me to tears. His love is like the sun’s warm rays.

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