God Helps Us Live In His Righteousness

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“Righteous art thou, O Lord, and upright are thy judgments. Thy testimonies that thou hast commanded are righteous and very faithful. My zeal hath consumed me, because mine enemies have forgotten thy words.” (Psalm 119:137-139)

God is righteous and holy. The same goes with everything in heaven. It is spotless. Therefore, if we wish to go to heaven, it is important for us to have Him point us on His righteous path that saves. This path is all about knowing Jesus and allowing His blood to cleanse us. Only then can we be made clean and deserving of going to paradise when we die. The Lord knows us to the “T” and if we are saved or not, we will be made aware of this. He has His means to help us know that we are on the wrong track. Salvation is all about knowing Jesus and Him knowing us. This relationship saves us. If we don’t do what He says, then His love is not for us. Those who do God’s will, the Father loves enters in. Jesus said, “If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.” (John 14:23) Whatever God does, it is faithful and true. The same goes for His judgments upon our lives in this life and the next. Therefore, it is better to know them now and conform to His will, or wait till judgment and stand condemned.

When the Holy Spirit comes into our lives, we are consumed with His righteousness and zeal. The things that are dark, we then shun away from. Things that we know are sinful, we don’t go down that path willfully. The only times that we do fall into sin is when our guard is down. We have gradually allowed the sinful and dark nature of this world to enter our lives, making it difficult for us to resist temptation. Often times this is when we stop praying and are not reading the Bible daily. Thankfully, God is so good and gracious towards us. He listens to our confessions and knows when we are sincere in our sorrows and guilt. This is when we are not only forgiven but also put on the right path that leads to heaven. This is called repentance. Allowing God to help us turn from sin, and to follow in His footsteps instead. It is on His path, that our heart goes out to the lost. We are awakened to know that people that have forgotten about Jesus, and we are here to remind them. The Holy Spirit compels us to evangelize to them. So we reach them with the gospel message of cross. Amen.

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