Oh lord, I pray that people will understand the need to have You in their lives. To stop trying to find you in a man-made church or temple, for You are with those already that trust in You. I love attending church, but when the Spirit is strong, it is in us. Thank You for manifesting Yourself in our lives, God. I am grateful that we have churches with pastors teaching Your truths. I just don’t understand why people would go so far as to build earthly tabernacles again. It is like they reject what You have done for us, Jesus, on the cross. How can they try to put You back in a box when You are already our better tabernacle? When I see temples that say holiness unto the Lord, like in Mormonism, I have to wonder where their hearts are at. Lord, wake them up to these sins. It is wicked to try to recreate earthly tabernacles for You when You are not the one leading that charge. I love these people and only want them to wake up to their false beliefs, in order to find a true relationship with You, Jesus. You are God and I am grateful for Your presence in my life. I love You, Lord. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (11/24/2022)
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