
Today’s Prayer (10/17/2021)

Oh Lord, I love Your ways and especially what You have created on earth. Thank You for creating me in Your image. It means the world to know that I was carefully crafted by the Lord of the heavens. Even in my mother’s womb did you know me and the person I would once become. Yes, God, You chose me to be the person I am today and in the future. Thank You for putting me on the path that saves. I was once lost, but You found me. For most of my life, I was just like the prodigal son who went astray after the things of the flesh. Thankfully, as I got older I had a chance to repent of my sins and get right with You again. I can still remember the day that I returned to Your presence. You were not angry but willingly took me home. Thank You, Jesus, for sacrificing Yourself on the cross for my sins and the sins of the world. I know that I have mercy and forgiveness for what I have done because of Your great sacrifice. I wish that everyone could know and understand what You have done for us, Lord, but they need to also come to You. Help me be a light to everyone around me. I pray for more salvations in Your kingdom. I love You. Amen.
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