
Today’s Prayer (08/23/2021)

Oh Lord, I pray that people in the faith will remain faithful to You. There are many trials in this life, but You make things much easier to bear. We are living in the end times before Your second coming. This knowledge helps me understand the catastrophes this earth will soon see. Every prophecy that has been spoken will surely come to pass exactly as it was spoken in Your Holy Bible. I just pray that You will keep me and my family safe during these times of chaos. Even now, millions of people are fearful because of the pandemic that is upon the earth because of the Coronavirus. COVID has caused many people to forget You and to only tune into their church service every so often through streaming it on TV. Thankfully, You have pulled me out from my house also and back into the church building again. Because of certain people, I have also found a home church, that I can add to my fellowship with Calvary Chapel. It is so true, God, that we cannot get enough of You during the day. When You are near me, is when I am the happiest. That is why I long to go to places where we can pray together and read and study the Bible as a group. But most of all, God, my testimony has grown to a point that I want to tell everyone about You. Jesus, You mean the world to me. I pray that people will be ready to receive You in death or in Your coming. I love You, Lord. This I pray, in Your Name, Jesus. Amen.
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