Lord, I pray that people will begin to understand the worth of the Holy Bible in their lives. So many people neglect it and simply open up to read or follow along at church. These same people are missing out on Your guidance and direction. Your light is not among them, for they are now walking in darkness. They have opened the door to sin, and now temptation has power over them. They are not armored through You, Jesus, but have their own flesh to fight the battles. And because our flesh is weak, these people are left in a state of despair, where guilt and shame are pilled up. Many feel like there is nowhere to go for answers in this state of mind. And what has happened is that they have left You, God. They have put aside Your lamp for their lives, which is the Bible. Because they have trampled on it for so long it has become worthless to them. Even is it a burden to open and read when asked about it. Wow! How far the people in this world have fallen. How deep they have allowed sin to take over their lives. I just pray that there will be a fair amount of people that will wake up to their sins before it is too late. I do not wish to know of hell filling up with more people who have lost their faith. But Lord, instill in thousands upon thousands of these types of people a desire to repent. To call upon Your name in all their confessions. Then will they see the need once again to read the Bible daily. And it will become a lamp unto their feet. This I pray, in Your mighty Name, Jesus. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (01/05/2021)
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