The Spirit says repent, for the Lord is nigh. Judgement is coming. Come unto Jesus and be made clean before it is too late.
Day: December 9, 2018
Today’s Inspiration #2 (12/09/2018)
Jesus, our Lord and King, has come to save us all from our sins. Allow His blood to cover you and He will wash you clean.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (12/09/2018)
O come Emmanuel. You are welcome Jesus, my Lord and my God, in my life. I honor You, my King.
Matthew 1:22,23
Matthew 1 :22,23 (KJV)
22 Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying,
23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall...
Today’s Prayer (12/09/2018)
Dear God, I come to You now in praise and honor. You are my King and I worship You. O come Emmanuel. You are welcome Jesus, my Lord and my God, in my life. I...
O Come Emmanuel
700 years after Isaiah, the prophesy of Immanuel was fulfilled. Unto Mary, and her husband Joseph, did the Lord Jesus come into this world.
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