As I read the Song of Solomon, God has witnessed, through the Holy Spirit, how important intimacy is. That this higher love between husband and wife in very important. The same way we talked up our fiancé before marriage and could not stop talking about them, this love should never grow cold but elevated. However, because God’s love is hard to find in marriages today, this intimate love is missing. Because people are now tied to their phone or other portable devices, computers or TVs, their worries, desires and needs are left out of the equation. And when the true love of God is missing in marriages, it is only time before marriages will suffer and often end in divorce. Even though divorce is bad word in my life, it doesn’t mean that this was always the case. Before I found the Lord, I was constantly looking for someone better. My needs were never met and therefore I looked elsewhere. However, when Jesus came into my life, everything changed. Now, my desires are to serve my spouse and see how I can fulfill her needs ahead of mine own. And as Jesus is a part of my life, I now find myself telling my wife how much I love her, desire to hug her and talk to her more often than not.
As Jesus’s love comes into a person’s life, everything changes. Not only is our relationship with Him increased but our relationship with our spouse is also elevated like never before. Our eyes are opened to their worries, desires and needs. Any way we can help our spouse and the love of our life out, we will do it. Even the way we speak can be changed, as our heart is now focused on the one we love. There are no more chores but only desires to help and to showcase our love. And to those that are willing, the romantic speech we once had, is reinvigorated. Solomon is a great example of keeping this fire in his marriage. He said, 1“thou hast ravished my heart, my sister, my spouse; thou hast ravished my heart with one of thine eyes, with one chain of thy neck. How fair is thy love, my sister, my spouse! how much better is thy love than wine! and the smell of thine ointments than all spices!” This kind of talk might seem foreign to you but as the love of God comes full force into your marriage, not only you but your spouse will start speaking with this type of passion and love. It is true that God is what makes a marriage feel alive again. And if you want this love in your marriage, then put them first, like you do God.
Let us pray:
Oh Lord God, we need You to come and strengthen our marriage. Without Your love in our lives, we are not able to make the strides we need to better our love for one another. Often times we fall short and say things that we shouldn’t. Surely our foot gets in the mouth and we often say things that are hurtful. Only Your love can help us speak with true love and passion towards our spouse. You move us to care for and administer to their needs. I know this, as I am often found doing things for my wife when I hadn’t done that same thing for ages. This is because You give me direction and know her needs better than I do. Then, when I put my trust in You, these same acts of kindness and romantic gestures continue to happen. With Your love, the sparks are back and in full force. They can get tangled up in this world but Your love comes in the picture and resurrects our hearts to truly love. I know that I am incapable of loving like You do, therefore, I reach for You Lord. I need You to update the atmosphere. When love is hard to find, Your love comes and soothes the hearts of everyone in the room. I am grateful that You have come and brought new life, hope and love in my marriage. May it continue to grow. I love You. Amen.
Let us read the Bible:
Note: Any Numbered References, found above, are listed below.
1Song Of Solomon 4 (KJV)
1 Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair; thou hast doves’ eyes within thy locks: thy hair is as a flock of goats, that appear from mount Gilead.
2 Thy teeth are like a flock of sheep that are even shorn, which came up from the washing; whereof every one bear twins, and none is barren among them.
3 Thy lips are like a thread of scarlet, and thy speech is comely: thy temples are like a piece of a pomegranate within thy locks.
4 Thy neck is like the tower of David builded for an armoury, whereon there hang a thousand bucklers, all shields of mighty men.
5 Thy two breasts are like two young roes that are twins, which feed among the lilies.
6 Until the day break, and the shadows flee away, I will get me to the mountain of myrrh, and to the hill of frankincense.
7 Thou art all fair, my love; there is no spot in thee.
8 Come with me from Lebanon, my spouse, with me from Lebanon: look from the top of Amana, from the top of Shenir and Hermon, from the lions’ dens, from the mountains of the leopards.
9 Thou hast ravished my heart, my sister, my spouse; thou hast ravished my heart with one of thine eyes, with one chain of thy neck.
10 How fair is thy love, my sister, my spouse! how much better is thy love than wine! and the smell of thine ointments than all spices!
11 Thy lips, O my spouse, drop as the honeycomb: honey and milk are under thy tongue; and the smell of thy garments is like the smell of Lebanon.
12 A garden inclosed is my sister, my spouse; a spring shut up, a fountain sealed.
13 Thy plants are an orchard of pomegranates, with pleasant fruits; camphire, with spikenard,
14 Spikenard and saffron; calamus and cinnamon, with all trees of frankincense; myrrh and aloes, with all the chief spices:
15 A fountain of gardens, a well of living waters, and streams from Lebanon.
16 Awake, O north wind; and come, thou south; blow upon my garden, that the spices thereof may flow out. Let my beloved come into his garden, and eat his pleasant fruits.