Daily Prayer:Lord, my heart sinks to think of all the people in this world that are partakers of black magic and don’t even realize it. There is so much evil around us and people are so blind to see it. It is so true that people are blinded to what they see on the streets and on TV as being evil. People make things out as good when it is really detestable and an abomination in Your sight. People freely go to magic acts, see fortune tellers, and watch TV with magic in it all the time. Lord, I know that I was among these people for so many years of my life. I also did not see the wrong in all of this. It wasn’t until I found You and started reading Your words in the Bible that my mind was opened to the truth. And Lord, all I know is that I want to be found righteous in Your sight and not wicked. I do not want to be among those in wickedness, including witchcraft. Thank You for freeing me from these things. I was once lost but You found me. You brought me out of the darkness and into Your light. Thank You Lord. I love You. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (07/12/2018)
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