Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, I pray that You will lead us away from all sin. May our lives be filled with Your righteousness. Cast away all the wickedness from our hearts and minds. Cleanse us through Your blood. Have mercy upon us, as sinners. We confess that we are in need of a Savior and Your blessings, oh Lord. Poor out upon us Your mercy and grace. Forgive us, oh Lord. Bring us ever closer to Your love. We no longer wish to live for the lusts of the flesh. Take those thoughts from us now. We lay at your feet all our addictions. Break us free from the bondage of sin. May we never more be a slave to sin. May we never be so foolish as to cease to know Your counsel and wisdom for our lives. It is Your understanding that we need to find joy. To be blessed by You, my King is the greatest gift of all. Thank You for listening to my prayer. I need You in my life. Come and rest a while with me. Your presence is what I need to go forward in life. Your peace and love gives me hope for a new day. I love You. Amen./June 11, 2018/
Today’s Prayer (06/11/2018)
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