Today’s Prayer (05/07/2018)

Daily Prayer:
Oh Lord, may your love come now and become even stronger in my life and the lives of those around me. May this love transform the way I speak and act around other people. May they see You, when they see me. May they feel Your love in my presence. I pray that Your love will cast aside all hatred and bitterness from my heart. May I never be so bitter as to not forgive those that offend me. When I am in the wrong, may I see it so clearly that I tell the other person sorry for what I have done. May my sins convict me to the very soul, that I may be found in prayer and confession to You. I know that as I live in Your perfect will, temptation will have no power over me. Even sin will not abound, for You are there to protect me. Lord, I love Your ways. I love Your commandments. Help me to remember them and to keep them always. I pray that Your ways are my ways. I love You. Amen.
May 7, 2018
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