Today was a beautiful day to share the love of Jesus. Like other days, we opened up in prayer to ask the Lord for the Holy Spirit to speak through us. That we could be His messengers to carry forth His message of hope to the world. That doors would be opened and that people would have a heart to listen. So we went forward with the Lord on our hearts and minds. Though many people weren’t home or weren’t interested we stumbled upon three wonderful people. Even if a few listen to the message of Jesus Christ and are saved it is all worth it. This message is for the few who will listen to the good news. This first gentlemen opened his door and came right out. He was intently interested in what we had to say. It was as if he was looking down my soul as I delivered the gospel message of Jesus Christ to him. We proclaimed that the reason we were there was because of Jesus. That through the cross we can be forgiven. That no matter the sin God’s mercy is for all. We asked him to pray that the Holy Spirit would fill his heart. We asked him to read the Bible for he admitted that he didn’t know God’s word. We taught that the words are alive and that the Lord speaks through every word. As we left him we asked if we could come back and share more and he said yes. Walking a little further we approached a man in his yard. After talking with him a little we discovered that he loved God and did Bible studies with his wife. Our message for him was to share the good news with others. To pray for others more than himself. To walk in the ways of the Lord that the Holy Spirit could be with him. To listen to the Holy Spirit when he is prompted to talk to someone about Jesus. We told him that if he sought after God he would put His message on his heart to declare with others. Based on our conversation we felt welcome to come back to visit him.
The Lord led us further around the corner and the first house we knocked on was a very sweet lady. She opened the door and came right out to talk with us. We told her that we came to pray for the neighborhood and to share the good news of Jesus Christ. I asked her how she felt for Jesus and she said He was her Savior. I agreed and told her that the gospel message is that Jesus came into the world to die for our sins on the cross. That if we believe in Him and accept His sacrifice on the cross we can be saved. That through the resurrection we can be raised up to live with Him in heaven. She told us that it was Gethsemane and not the cross where Jesus died for our sins. I asked if I could share a passage in the Bible where it says it was the cross and she said that it was most likely both places. We went on and talked about the importance of reading the Bible and she told me she reads it with the “Book of Mormon”. She wanted to give us one and we politely declined. We told her that the Bible is the Word of God and that God speaks through every word differently at different times. We asked that make Him that centerpiece of her life for many times we forget Him. After sharing the gospel with her we asked if we could pray for her and she said for health. So we all bowed down our heads to God and we prayed over her. We prayed that she may be healed from any sickness she has been afflicted by. That she may be open to the truth of God. That her heart may be turned to God continually. We asked if we could come back and share more and she said yes. Thank You Lord for leading us to these three wonderful people. Your Holy Spirit was in affect this day and we are grateful to be Your messengers. Thank You for using us to declare Your gospel to them. We love You and will do all things to carry forth Your message of hope to the world.
Romans 10:1,2;9-11 (KJV)
1 Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved.
2 For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.
9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
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