Team Jesus Preachers

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7 thoughts on “Team Jesus Preachers”

  1. Dear brother Adam,

    My name is George Marshall and I’m a born again believer in Yeshua and I live in England. I’ve seen many of your videos on youtube and I thought it would be good to get in touch today after watching one of your videos I was really compelled to see that you are speaking the truth by the power of the Holy Ghost. This life is all about serving and Jesus is not a waiter He is a King whom we must serve if we ever expect to enter His eternal Kingdom and what your doing is spot on. I do the same thing as you do here in England and I preach and have banners to be a witness for Jesus in this land which has become pagan from top to bottom with immorality utterly abounding it is shameful and a reproach upon my homeland which is to put simply anti-christ and the Lord has shown me that He is about to abandon this United Kingdom… Nevertheless it would be good to hear from you if you can get in touch with my email as I truly understand what you are doing and I need to do the exact same.

    My God be with you and your team,

    brother George

  2. Thank you Paul, I’m abstaining from social media because of the power it wields over young people in particular so I wont be able to contact brother Adam that way. No worries we are each holding our own line… I’ll just concentrate on getting back to the front line here in England. May God bless you

  3. How do I join you guys? I’ve been seeing yall for 2-3 years now and have been a part of yall like once or twice.

  4. I think you mean Well, but you have things all Blenderized everything from Abraham to Acts ( Acts is the transition period) is for the Jews primarily all recipients of the Law not Grace as we are from Romans to Philemon.
    The biggest thing you can do to save a person is make sure they know Corinthians 15 1-4 It is the ONLY Gospel! To be saved by The Death, Burial and Resurrection plus NOTHING, NADA Not One other Thing!!!
    If you are pushing Works with it, you’re denying it was all done at the Cross.
    You don’t want to be a False Preacher if so because of all the people that were not saved your eternal end will be much worse.
    Please understand I care for you and want you to Preach what is True!
    Thank you.


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