My Hope Is Built On Jesus

My hope is built on Jesus. He is my cornerstone. He is Lord of All. Through His blood I can be healed. Through His righteousness I can know how to live.

God Loves Marriage And Hates Divorce

God loves marriage and hates divorce. Let our minds be renewed in the love of God each day. If any of you have impure thoughts for another person, give it to Jesus and let him drain the impurities from your mind.

Counsel With God

How interesting it is that most times we’d rather counsel with another person of our faith then in prayer to our God.

God’s Grace Is In My Life

How amazing God’s Grace is in my life. I was surely a wretched person before I gave my life to Jesus.

My God Is Most Beautiful

With all the most beautiful things in this world My God is most Beautiful! He has given us so many things to make us happy.

A Burning Desire To Praise God

I know most us love God but have you ever just wanted to feel his presence so strong in your life that all you want to do is praise him?

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