Can You See The Light Of Jesus?

The light that shines upon us all is our Lord, Jesus. He is the chosen Messiah, who was born to save us all from our sins.

God’s Light Is Piercing

As the righteous enjoy being in the light of Jesus, the wicked do not want anything to do with it. It actually causes them to fear and be anxious.

The Root Of Jesse

To help us understand who has the characteristics of being mighty in all works, our counselor and judge, we will look to another verse from Isaiah.

Secret And Willful Sins

One specific addiction that ruins lives is pornography and this is often done in secret. However, it is game over when a person finally gets caught looking at porn.

Followers Of Jesus Are Also His Witnesses

In Luke, chapter 10, Jesus also sent out seventy men, that were His followers, two by two, into all the cities. As people were following Jesus, He also sent them off.

Prayer And Fasting

Like Jesus did, we can say, “get thee behind me, Satan”. These are not just words, but come with power and authority from God.

What Would You Do For Jesus?

What if you felt that God was calling you to help a family member, friend, co-worker or neighbor in need. Would you do it?

Prayers for Peter, Who Is In Prison

After Peter was led out of the prison gates and into the city by the hand of the angel, he came to the house of Mary where the saints were gathered together praying.

Child Of Flesh Or Child Of God

It is the children of God that God has mercy upon. Those that call upon the Name of Jesus and do what He says will be found worthy.


Please understand that God hates every form of sexual sin. It truly is vile and wicked in every form imaginable

The Cross And Resurrection

To think of the cross, we must first understand what first took place there. As Paul said, while he declared the gospel, “Christ died for our sins”.


As I speak these things, as do Paul, “I trust that ye shall know that we are not reprobates.” We know the dangers of living in sin and not in the purity of God’s love and are here to warn you.

Sin Hardens Our Hearts To God

The thing about sin is it is detrimental to our lives and our walk with God. Because it hardens our hearts to God and leads us to do things that are wicked, His presence is no longer in our lives either to protect us.

Miracles And Healing Today

These two issues that I mentioned above, my health and my job issues, weighed on my mind and my wives over the last many weeks.

Heed The Warnings From God

Along with the story of the Pharaoh in the Bible, there are many other warnings from God now that speak to our lives.

Deliverance From The Enemy

The day that the Lord God came in and sent His last plague upon the Egyptian people, the people of Israel were able to experience true freedom.