Jesus Is Our Everything

Jesus is the only person that can break us free from our addictions, depression, and shame. So please come unto Him today!

Halloween Is Not Of God

The Lord is our light and our strength. If you desire to follow Him, then why not allow His light to expel the darkness in your life.

David And Jonathan

Jonathan was David’s best friend, and during these rough times, he was able to go to him, along with God, for help.

What David Did Out Of Fear

Now, David’s second lie was having the need to get a weapon, because he said the king required it to be done in a swift manner.

Do You Love Jesus?

Our love for God becomes real, as we go out in the world and begin to light it up.  We see those people that are in need and care for them.

Lying Has Consequences

Surely, guilt can really kick in when we’ve lied to people that we care about. Even other people often pay the consequences for these mistakes, which is very sad.

Are You Living For God Or This World?

It is true that what you are doing with your life now is either drawing you to God or away from Him. This is why most people that I am even speaking to now are on the path of destruction and don’t even realize it.

Modesty And Purity For Men And Women

When it comes to fornication and adultery, men and women are both at fault here. It is true that women who wear skimpy outfits are in the wrong and defile their temples, which is of the living God.

Seek First The Kingdom Of God

So my question for you all is, do you even want to be saved? If so, then you should know what to do with your life?

Stand Against Abortion And Homosexuality

So let’s now read a few verses that affirm our stance on abortion and homosexuality. First off being abortion, where God said, “be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth” (Genesis 1:28)

God Hates A Lying Tongue

It is when we are truthful to people, is when trust is also built. Now the opposite is when people lie and even jokingly lie and then say sorry sarcastically.

Mind Focused On God

Give your heart to God. Make time for Him in your life. Above all do things that give Him honor.

Jesus Is The Reason Why I Live

When to comes to love, John said, “we love him, because he first loved us.” (1 John 4:19) And because He loves us, the greatest joy of all is able to enter our lives and then change our outlook on life and things.

Jesus Is The Reason For Christmas

The best part about Christmas is not about presents, but to think about Jesus and to give to others. Doing this brings the greatest joy of all.

False Prophets

To follow any one but Christ alone leads to death. Our eyes must be opened to the Lord lest we fall into dark paths that don’t bear light.

No More Cussing or Filthy Language

One thing that was spoken by Paul to the Colossians above is “filthy communication out of your mouth”. Of which also James taught.