To Be Led By The Holy Spirit

Be led by the Holy Spirit and not the ways of the flesh. Doing God’s will is always better than doing what we think is right.

When We Judge People Wrongfully

if we judge one another wrongfully, those same judgment calls are upon our own heads. Therefore, seek God’s guidance in all things.

All Have Sinned

We have all sinned before a righteous God. But when we come unto Jesus with a sincere heart, we are justified and made clean.

Life Begins At Conception

The Bible teaches that life begins at conception. Therefore, if you are a believer in God and agree with what He says, then you are also pro-life and against abortion.

Judgment Seat Of Christ

Jesus is our judge and calls us by name. Come before Him, who is King, that You may be accepted on that great and dreadful day.

Another Gospel

Because of the subtle craftiness of men, people have perverted the true gospel message and led millions of people astray.

God is Rich In Mercy

God is merciful unto every person who calls upon the Lord for forgiveness. He hears our confessions and knows our hearts.

Jesus Is The Lamb Of God

Jesus is the lamb of God, who came to take away the sins of the world. Come unto Him and You will receive forgiveness and mercy.